Posted by Quintal on August 31, 2008, at 15:51:11
In reply to Marmite, Vegemite (Do any of you like these), posted by WaterSapphire on August 31, 2008, at 6:17:18
I think Marmite and Bovril taste pretty similar, but Bovril is mostly beef stock while Marmite is just yeast extract. Apparently yeast extract has a (bitter) beefyish taste. Bovril and warm milk is supposed to make a nice drink, but I've never tried it. On its own Bovril tastes very much like a beef Oxo cube. We used to make a sort of beef cup-a-soup from it and eat it with bread crusts for a sort of snack.
My dog likes Marmite spread on her biscuits. Just holding one under her nose makes her drool.
>Another thing I am interested in trying is kipper?
They taste and smell okay, but I could never see the point because it's full of little bones that you have to pick out before you can eat it. My dad likes them though. Ox's tongue and kidneys are some other British delicacies you might want to try.
Something I always wanted to know from visting America years ago, what is a twink/twinkie bar?