Posted by coral on April 28, 2003, at 14:28:51
In reply to I need some encouragement!, posted by mmcasey on April 28, 2003, at 13:28:31
Dear Meghan,
First off, I'm on the other side of the black hell of depression. Also, I can appreciate changing therapists --- I went through two before I found the right one. I also went through 11 doctors until I found the right one.
Each person's experience is unique and during the darkest times (days, months, years....), I asked the same questions you're asking. I knew I couldn't go on existing in the black space. My only goal was to climb out somehow. It was a bitter existence and the climb out was often one step forward and fourteen backward.
But, I made it. You can, too.
One step at a time.
Best to you,