Posted by Dr. Bob on August 10, 2006, at 11:00:24
In reply to Re: blocks and support » Dr. Bob, posted by Estella on August 9, 2006, at 0:29:34
> So now the controversy would be over:
> 1) How you type offences.
> 2) How you measure whether blocking people for a type generally tends to facilitate support or not.I agree, those could be controversial. :-)
> I think that being too quick to block some of those doesn't faciliate learning, it facilitates people going 'well f*ck you'. I've been here for a while now... Am I 'unlearning' over time? If blocks are anything to go by then I seem to be...
I agree, blocks doesn't always have the desired effect. Learning is part of it, but other factors influence behavior, too.
> > Well, one step at a time?
> Sure. I hope you don't mind if I keep trying to push you into (what I perceive to be) the right general direction, however...Please do, pushing keeps us from going too far off course, and a lot of pushing can be necessary when the boat's this big.
> Main Entry: cri·tique
> a critical estimate or discussion
> I agree there can be a fine line. I think we should be able to critique policies and ideologies and institutions *on the politics board*. I agree that we shouldn't accuse politicians or posters, however. It can be a fine line.What if any critiques needed to be constructive?
> > how long someone's blocked for doesn't depend just on the current "offence"...
> Borderline offences can accumulate too...Right, and IMO an accumulation is different than a single one.
> > If the subgroups were people who supported my decision and those who supported the blocked poster, I think it would be different.
> Different how?I'm not sure how to explain it. I guess I think it's inevitably more adversarial if one subgroup says x is good and another says x is bad. Because good and bad are (easily seen as) incompatible.
But if one says x is good and another says y is good, those aren't necessarily contradictory positions. So it's easier to get along.
> > I think it's inevitably an ongoing issue, how to coexist.
> Though when you block people it isn't about coexisting. It is about a person being excluded (that might not be your intention but that is a consequence).It's both, it's about somebody being excluded because their behavior isn't, IMO, conducive to coexisting.
poster:Dr. Bob