Posted by seekinginformation on November 1, 2014, at 18:40:21
I want to get some help on issues I've been having the past couple of months. This post is a little long because I need to provide at least some back storyI took 5 MGs Prozac, 50 MGs Topamax, and .5 Mgs of Klonopin for years successfully for my OCD and GAD. It was like a miracle. However, I quit the Topamax about 2 years ago due to a kidney stone. Things got a little bumpy without my Topamax, so my doc added a low dose of Gabapentin, increased my prozac to 10 MGs, and added 1200 MGs of NAC over the course of a year.
That didnt seem to hold up as well, Topamax really calmed my OCD/intrusive thoughts, and "busy mind" down. Gabapentin and NAC certainly did not... Furthermore, the combo was increasing my appetite. Hence late last spring, we decided to change to a different SSRI (Lexapro).... I developed panic attacks within about 2 month, and held out until late August, when I asked to go back to Prozac. I had started seeing a new doc, who was fine with that. She also wanted me to try Topamax again as that had been so successful.
I cross tapered over the course of a month from 5 MGS Lexapro to 10 MGS Prozac. Then as I finished up that cross taper, we added in 30 MGS of Topamax sprinkles that I titrated up on. We then decided to try to go to 50MGS of Topamax (my previous dose) via titration, and within the week, all hell broke loose!I had such bad anxiety that i could not function. We backed down on the Topamax but the anxiety would not abate. Next, we increased the Prozac to 15 MGS. I also got off the NAC (1200 MGs) during that time because my new PDOC was not that familiar with it, and it really did not help that much. within 2 weeks I had developed Akathisia and tremors that were very noticable. I could not sit still and was twitching in my legs, trunk, arm, etc.... Hence we had to back off of that and go down to 10 MGS about 10 days ago. PDOC also allowed me to increase my Gabapentin from 200 MGs a day to 300 MGS a day total. All of these changes have left me reeling, and with very little improvement.
Long story short, I'm an anxious mess, and I am not sure what is causing it, or how to fix it. my brain feels like swiss cheese. I have anxiety, panic attacks, and my OCD has been awful. I feel so hyperaroused that I find it difficult to watch TV, read, or interact with other people. I've been taking Benedry, and that has helped.
My Pdoc did not want to make any major changes last visit because of all the other changes (as you can see there were ALOT) and she was really concerned about the Prozac EPS stuff. Hence getting the dose down was a top priority.
I take Klonopin .5 at night, and my pdoc has encouraged me to take it in the morning too, but I really dont want to go down the benzo path anymore than I already have, especially since I know that there are some very good meds out there.
I see her this week, and plan on seeing her every two to three weeks until I get stabilized, but I am not certain what is causing all of this anxiety!
Here are my meds.10 MGS Prozac daily
.5 MGS Klonopin at night
100 MGs Gabapentin 3 times daily (does this even do anything!?)
BenedrylI know that this is a long post, but I thought I would put my ordeal out there to see if anyone has any thoughts, or ideas as to how I can move forward and get some relief. The anxiety and OCD is so frustrating. I am trying my best on this.
Thanks for reading