Posted by Frankie2120 on September 28, 2006, at 13:42:11
In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by chickey on September 28, 2006, at 12:56:02
I know what you mean... and even anymore i'm not even embarrassed to tell people that i am getting help... and funny enough like 20% of the time if i'm talking to someone new it turns out that they are going through the same thing or have been on some kind of medication before and were shy to talk about it too...
One other thing i used to do all the time was have routines... not like super bad ocd or anything where i had to touch things 4 times or walk a certain way... but just things like where i sat or what time i started getting ready and if i wasn't doing somthing at a certain time like normal i would get anxieties and start sweating and become very irratated... I swear everyone in this city knew where i would be sitting saturday nights in my corner in the club with my napkins and everything right in front of me... (it sounds stupid) but it had to be that way or i would be all uncomfterbal... all that has since gone away too and now things are like a whole different world when i'm out.... so far so good with this medicine.... I used to cry during commercials... and boy would i ball at sad movies... it was insane... I enjoyed being sad... sad songs everything... it was outta control... I just thought way too many sad thoughts all the time... and i never had any desire to do anything but lay around unless it was time for somthing routine like going to the gym or going out or going to work... that's it... now i'm doing alot more stuff....
and i'm totaly babbleing on.. i'm sure someones enjoying reading this... haha... I got an hour to kill before i'm leaving work today....
Do you have ringing your ears... My doctor yesterday told me that it may be from some sort of alergy and that's not a normal side effect of effexor.... or mabye i just listen to music too loud and my ears have finaly had it and it just happens to be coninsidental with me starting this medicaion...?? who knows... randome thought.....