Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 28. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 2, 2021, at 1:10:00
lately i've been seeing people getting healed by jesus christ (in church by laying on hands) and there illness were supernaturally healed, the amount of joy that these people had when they got healed. So, i don't think having an illness go get it supernaturally healed and it all be better. supernatural healing is rare, but it does happen. Your faith (christanity) have faith in god, and believe him for your prayers. Ask and recieve. That hasnt not worked out with me, i've written incredibly amounts of journals prayers sending out prayers everywhere. This trial i'm going through .. it's hard to have faith, when you had faith and asked god for something in the past, you were hopeful for it, then it turned into disaster. That's why my faith, its hard too because im afraid if i have faith, it will turn into disaster again. I prayed for something, believing it would happen or taken care of, but = disaster. God feels like the only thing, person that could save me, I've been isolated from society, and just doing my own things on the internet. Believing, you can't jump around while having faith in god, you to solid trust. I jump around because im worried it would fail. I've had faith fail many times, not good memories. So, i don't know faith in god, jesus that he would save us at the end. Start a faith blog and post, but that's only with god and prayer Ok, ending log, don't let corruption get into the soul, it's black and it will spread like a virus, you will have good fruit and then becoming corrupted. End of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 8, 2021, at 2:17:45
In reply to faith trials, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 2, 2021, at 1:10:00
lately i've been thinking having faith and trust, in god when you ask for a need. Yes, in the past i trusted completly it turned into disaster. That made me hesitant to have faith, knowing it would be disaster again. But that doenst, there could be many reasons why because god works in mysterious ways, and not the way we think. I thinking, even though not having prayer awnsered you just ... stay and have hope. Long suffering is a good term, i know what it feels like, complete misery and distraught but you just keep holding on to god. The main thing is to share the gospel and getting people saved. And i mean, saved from danmation, where there is horrid things that happens when you go thre, forever. People don't know the evilness or the reality of hellfire, im saying once your pass away and find out, there is no going back. Treat others and share the gospel, a follower of jesus, not a follower of worldly things, or worldly gospels. Everyone, preaches, im not preaching im saying that repent before its too late, be kind to your breathen, then save as many other people as you can. One soul being saved, yes, is better than see them in danmation, forever. Speak and be follower of jesus, i know other religions hate his name, but if they would only know about hell, reincarnation stuff, its lies. Jesus said speak the gospel, save people, bring them unto me. As im writing, you don't have to do anything, but repent of your sins before its too late. There's nothing you give, or offering, your just repent and follow god. I don't what else but this hopefully will be read and know about jesus christ to save you
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 8, 2021, at 3:02:48
In reply to Re: faith trials, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 8, 2021, at 2:17:45
what i mean offer, accepting jesus christ, i'm not a preacher and i habve many qeustions to ask too, but jesus said save, and bring them unto me. The part about eternal life, it's your soul, not money, not public attention, not favor in men's eyees, it's your soul to be saved from hellfire. The term 'highway to hell' is accurate, "broad is the road that leadth to destruction (hellfire)" many people go though this road and are in hell right now.s It is better to suffering and enduring pain doing goodness is better than to suffer from doing evil or worldly things. You use your wisdom, to know what is true, and what is false. It's late here at night, i'm bearly writing last energy reserves to finish but all main topic, to be saved, resist sin, treat breathen well, follow jesus - i know as much hate people can have, he is the one that will spare your soul on the last day.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 8, 2021, at 3:20:35
In reply to Re: faith trials, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 8, 2021, at 3:02:48
this is not to scare, or discomfort, no matter what happens in this life, your soul is what matters, and to be saved to eternal life. End of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 11, 2021, at 0:57:46
In reply to Re: faith trials, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 8, 2021, at 3:20:35
all i've noticed is where not in the church age anymore (era of pieces) were in the age of aquarius which major changes have already been done. You can't say or free speech things as you could back before 2010. Free speech is monitered, so be careful of what you say. This is no longer the church or christanity era, or ... there's many names - the age of pieces, which is astrology sign. They made a big deal about 2012 being the end of the world, and then when it came ... as if nothing happened. I think there were changes done, i've read about the polar axis's on earth have changed, and alighing with jupiter and saturn, i don't know, rerember reading that somwhere. But i mean look around, things have changed, but mainly social media has totally changed society. So the era before 2000 is obsolete, but don't forget the knowedge and events that went on during that time,. They could be useful info, for help in this era.
All sorts of things, increased violence, almost as if these people have lost their minds. So, all i know is where going into a age of globalizem. Forget about the era before 2000 and it's citizen rights, it's obsolete. This is for the US, not other countires. But, you know i always wanted to be part of something, there were many things that happened, and left me left in this rift, posting to the internet. I've read that god always has a plan for someone, what i know is .. god has a will or plan and that for person to honor god, then to follow his will. This is a new era, alot of talented people on youtube, are making their careers, and through social media. Yes, this is new era, new insights and ideas and use them as talent. Be the best you can be, through authenticity. Ending log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 11, 2021, at 1:29:35
In reply to Re: faith trials, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 11, 2021, at 0:57:46
but the era of pisces (astrology) has ended, and were coming into the era of aquarius, that's why your seeing so many things being changed, and change in human counciouness. I'm not a new ager, but there's diffrent vibes or energies and main thing during this time is christ consciousness, that is being teached right now. It's because we're in this new era,the era of christanity, and pises has ended. New age stuff back before 2000 was considered minority and you were a bit wierd if you were involved in new age stuff, well, we're acutally in the new age now. So, that's why all the previous time periods of how they did things, have been passed.
I really need to stop talking about the new age era that's happening right now, but all i'm saying - whatever left of my life, that god has a plan for, or his will. I can just rerember, my dreams when i was younger, when i was 14, then again 19, all those dreams were shattered. But, jesus said whoever loses his life, shall find it through me. So, maybe finding god's will, maybe above living the dreams i had. But also a big thing, jesus said to save people people, bring them to me, for coverage from wrath, i think that is part of the will of god, to save people, become follower of jesus, doing the moral good, and treating breathen with kindness. To save them, and same as many people as you can, before they pass away. One soul saved, is better than seeing them in danmation forever. Find the way to life that is based on the will of god, and his goodness. That's all i know to write. End of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 11, 2021, at 1:35:13
In reply to Re: faith trials, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 11, 2021, at 1:29:35
ok this is a mess, - 2 things, Find your talent, and be authentic, and follow the goodness of god - jesus during these times. Have goodness, and get corruption out. Be the same person, publically, personally, privetly.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 11, 2021, at 20:09:51
In reply to Re: faith trials, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 11, 2021, at 1:29:35
era of pisces is related to astrology, i'm christain, not involved, but the 20th century and all behind it, are previous era now. We are in artifical intelligence and technology, era were everyone is connected through social media. But ... if you research era of pises, it's going to show it ended, in 2021, this year. The agee of aquarius related to astrology, going to changes, there teaching alot of great awakakeing movement. You can google all these, you don't have to hear from just me. But, ... it seems the morals or previous generations have been phased out. Ok, that's all im going to write. I'm christain, but it is known that era of the church, and era of pisces in astrology, ended 2021. New era starting now, google this just for more info. Just wanted to say why i wrote about it. Traditional christanity is no more, we're in a 'modern' or 'neo' christanity period. If you want to do research project, era of pesces ended 2021, google some keywords. I'm not doing well right now, suffering, but might as well make a benefit to share knowedage. End of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 15, 2021, at 22:32:16
In reply to Re: faith trials, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 11, 2021, at 20:09:51
i've written this mainly to help or insight someone, false teachers lead you astray, there has to be a seperation between lambs and goats. Innoncent lambs that are covgered by the blood of jesus christ. They will teach diffrent doctrines than what jesus had said, dark docterines that appear as light.
Use your wisdom, to know what is the truth, in jesus words, and what is doctrines of darkness. Know that sheep are seperated from goats, and there are many wolves, in sheep clothing that appear as light, but they will decieve and lead you to hell. You have to know what is the truth, according to jesus, and to have eternal life. Lead the way, and get corruption out of you. There are many people, who sin all the time, and say 'i have done nothing wrong' know that's not what jesus said. He said sin no more, but were covered but you can't just go out and indulge in most insidious pleasures, being a drunkard, or greed and having unforgiveness inside you.
This is one thing, jesus said, if you do not forgive someone who has done your wrong, you can't .. be accepted, if you pass away with unforgiveness, it's ... not good end. Unforgiveness is grudge, and has evil inside it. It causes blackness in heart that can spread. That's why jesus said forgive, and not be delighted in pleasures that are dark, delicious, murder, many sins, living in them in indulgance.
I'm suffering right now, but i have to get knowedge out, to infom people. During suffering, it's seems strange things should end this way, but speak, and do goodness. Get corruption out of you, and find the narrow path that jesus had said. Blessed be to you. End of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 15, 2021, at 22:48:18
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 15, 2021, at 22:32:16
i'm suffering right now, i've thought being in isolation, away that the only thign i can resort too is supernatural forces. Resorting to god, and the unseen relm maybe in hope things will be arranged, by higher forces. The feeling your alone, and there's no one there. It's a feeling of sorrow. Whatever happens do goodness, and get corruption out.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 15, 2021, at 23:29:23
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 15, 2021, at 22:32:16
i watched a video on youtube, it's strange but people have written true accounts, of people in hell, they have described in such detail, what goes on down there. There was a woman, not sure if she was a pastor, but she taught the bible, but it said she had unforgivness in her heart of her husband. I don't want to say in offending terms, but these people said she did not get accepted. Unforgiveness, you know, if someone commited a act, that was so evil, that they were not forgien. That is hard to understand, if someone saw a murder, and they didnt forgive them, That, really is relevant, to not forigive and let them be punished. I don't know how that works, but from what .. jesus said don't have unforgiveness, and grudge, release it. That is hard...i don't understand that.
Atoricous acts being commited, of course your not gonna forgive someone who has done it. I don't know how that works, but i do know, let it go, let them be judged on the last day. I've been on youtube and watched these videos, these people said they saw famous christains, and people they knew in hell. I don't know rewrite what they said, but it was detailed in description, it couldnt of been made up. People said the same thing, diffrent people who had died for a certain amount of time, and described where they went, then came back. It had similar descriptions, there is brimestone, and heat is hottest to describe, there are torments that go on there, being locked in cage, in pools of brimestone, these beings would rip the flesh of people, in pain, and then it grew back to only do a continuous torment, there was one account that t said they saw oeoplee running, because their was rain, but this rain was brimestone, burning and just, awful accounts. Torment chambers where evil things torment people, yes, screaming, burning, complete loss of hope. Just get corruption out, and be kind to people.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 16, 2021, at 2:05:04
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 15, 2021, at 22:32:16
i don't know what i just wrote..... bottom line, forgive - treat breathen well, and save people before it's too late, repent. It doenst matter, what social status, it's your soul that matters. Ending log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 22, 2021, at 20:00:11
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 16, 2021, at 2:05:04
it doesnt matter what social status, or money have, your soul is what matters, savee people and warn them of this horrible place after death, the reincarnation teachings, there not true, it's lies. To wake up after you pass away and find yourself in this place, forever... warn and tell people to repent before it's too late. Jesus would save you, and only ... other religions hate the name jesus christ, or they don't believe him. I'm saying he is gonna be the person that will save you from going to this place, the last day to be covered by grace. To not live a worldly lifestyle, and repent of sins and follow the narrow path as jesus had said. Don't condenm or speak down, the only thing is to get people saved, from this place. It's real, i know this world, think hell is only a word, but in reality it is far worse than can imagaine, there is brimestone, fire, torments that happen there, it's filled with billions of people since the start of adam and eve, all the unsaved are there, don't condenm but save
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 22, 2021, at 20:06:24
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 22, 2021, at 20:00:11
i'm going to end at that, i've written too much about the sanme subject, it's becoming a cookie cutter writings. Save, find your talent, and use it for goodness
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 22, 2021, at 20:15:54
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 22, 2021, at 20:00:11
ok, find your talent, and get all corruption out, having a power and using it for evil purposes is well known. Use it for the better good
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 29, 2021, at 1:43:24
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 22, 2021, at 20:15:54
think instead of telling people your doomed if you don't do something. It's saving people, and being considerate, i may have ruined some things about reputation writing, but it's who you are, and your soul that matters.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 29, 2021, at 17:31:56
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 29, 2021, at 1:43:24
i think, this is my opinion or just belief. When they say your saved, and people clap their hands, sometimes ... you have to totally redo your ways, and getting corruption out. Yes, they say your covered with grace, Paul said that. Yes, that is true. Some of paul's teachings seem to say were above the law. The 10 commandments - such as do not kill, or slander, and speak false words. That still applies and if you violate those, it's a sin. Alot of people do this, and say 'i have done nothing wrong'. I can sin, as much as i can, and want, and be covered. It just...doesnt work that way. You have to totally get corruption out of you, and doing moral good.
Helping your breathern, and treating people with goodness. There are christains, that treat people bad, they have no compassion and they say your violated something, now your casted out. I think, that does because of the law, but the fact they have no compassion or mercy. Jesus said, if you don't have mercy on someone who has done you wrong or (done something that makes you want to punish or have wrath on omeone) you will not have mercy from me on the last day. And ... i think telling people their saved, and they will have eternal life. Yes, that is good to hear, but the way i see it, there is darker side that people have to be warned about it. This place is called hellfire, there is no hope of getting out, your tormented by demons, and your thrown into fire, and brimestone. The torments that these beings do to people, it's better not to write it. And to show people, to repent before they die.
After death, you cannot repent, because you were given a choice on living in moral good, or corruption. That's why just repenting of evil things, and getting corruption out of you. We have to follow Jesus, and i know how much he can be hated in other religions. This is the thing, he is the one that will cover you with grace, from the lake of fire, and hellfire. The torments that go on, in hell, are wicked. It has to be a told, to sav people. Their soul is valuable, and to be saved from danmation. That is all i write, be follower of jesus, and treat people with kindness, doing moral good. End of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 29, 2021, at 18:14:26
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 29, 2021, at 17:31:56
read the post above, i write notes, but let me just say, hellfire ... it is the most evil, wicked and torment place, it can't be described how much pain and torment goes on down there, beneth th earth, the earth has brimestone - as you can see with volcanoes that erupt from under the earth, hell is below, think of going down where all that magma and brimestone there is, how hot and burning that indescriable. I'm saying this to save people, to repent of their sins, and follow jesus. Don't follow the wordly version of Jesus, there are false forms and teachings that weaved together with him, sinful and world teachings.
Use descernment, to know what is true, and false. Hell is in describable pain, and torment, the torments - being ripped to shreds then the flesh grows back and it becomes a endless torment. Being thrown alive, into brimestone. It can't be described how evil and agony there is. To save people through jesus, and follow him, the narrow path, not the worldy broad road that leadeth to hell. Your valuable and to know, your saved from this place. That's all i can write, im a runt, im not pastor, minster, but i know from experiences i've read about people going to hell after death. Speak, and speak the truth, as jesus said, to the 4 corners of the earth. To save, do moral good, weeding out corruption. I'm not innocent, but i do know i want people saved from this place. Do moral good, have mercy on people who have done you wrong, don't have unforgiveness, it blackens the heart. I don't what else to say, your valuable and don't forget it. End of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 29, 2021, at 18:17:54
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 29, 2021, at 18:14:26
i wrote too much, simple and truth: have forgiveness, mercy, and doing moral good, follow jesus, and not the worldly version of him. They mix worldly teachings, and sinful doctrines. Hellfire, it's best to just say in a few words, its horrible place with no hope, and torment, it's non-stop. Do goodness, forgive, mercy, treat breathern with kindness and compassion. End of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 30, 2021, at 1:25:03
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 29, 2021, at 18:17:54
i'll end the log tonight, when they say be saved, or accepting jesus as savior, ... there are alot of people who are skeptical of this, asking someone who believes in another god, or religion, it just would not work. But all i can imply is im trying to just open a ear, to be saved from darkness. You don't exactly at this moment have to ... like accept, what im trying to imply is to follow jesus, be a follower of him like his disaplies, he told them the world would hate his followers, and would be persecuted. I just, there are alot of false teachers out there, and we have to make sure the truth, that following jesus, and having moral good, the laws, there is repentence and repenting of your sins. There is mercy in jesus, be vigilant because jesus is coming soon. That's all i can write, blessed be to you. End of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 30, 2021, at 1:38:14
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 30, 2021, at 1:25:03
A christain persective - praying to god and doing his laws, and accepting jesus as savior. Treating your breathen with goodness, and not condenm. There alot of brutal pastors out there, that are abusive, but part of what teach about hell, it is true. Be a follower of jesus, and pray to god, that's all the advice i can give as a christain. Jesus is coming back soon, were in the end times, all of what you see right now was predicted in the bible and other sources. We're moving into the new world system. So, don't follow the worldly jesus, it's not's weavaned with sinful doctrines. Read the scriptures. That's all i can write, do goodness by at least giving info to someone. End of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 30, 2021, at 1:40:24
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 30, 2021, at 1:25:03
Blessed be to you.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 30, 2021, at 1:51:55
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 30, 2021, at 1:38:14
please don't be offended by anythign i wrote, repenting please know that's why im doing this to save your soul
Posted by rjlockhart37 on December 1, 2021, at 23:56:29
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 30, 2021, at 1:51:55
even though this is not taught in bible, there is a book that records all your life deeds, everything you've spoken, action, sin, desire, they are all recorded, and they would be presented after death. So, im trying to save your soul, your valuable and we cannot let these souls go to hellfire after death. Speak the truth, as jesus said, speak, and warn and save as many people as your can before death.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on December 2, 2021, at 0:30:02
In reply to Re: faith trials log, posted by rjlockhart37 on December 1, 2021, at 23:56:29
you know, all these writings ... and people googling my real name, linking this to it. Speak as jesus said, even if this has given me a bad vibe with someone, it is said that the world does not know jesus, and we have to save people in the world. To not follow the Wordly Jesus, who is assoicated with materilism, vanity, idolatry, yes the worldy jesus is associated with that. Follow the narrow path, and the words jesus spoke, not other doctrines that are not linked to truth. I don't care if people, know this, jesus said speak. So, i am, and most of my writings or from hearing testimonies of people who died, for a certain amount of time and went to hellfire and saw their descriptions. They were all linked accurate, brimestone, fire, torments, agony, and it never ends. I'll leave it at that, i want your soul saved, and im trying to do it through these writings. I may of ruined a good, image of myself by babbling, but jesus had said speak, that what he said, speak. I'll end it, worldly vanity jesus, do not follow, it's not him. Thank you for reading. End of log
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
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