Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 15, 2021, at 22:32:16
In reply to Re: faith trials, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 11, 2021, at 20:09:51
i've written this mainly to help or insight someone, false teachers lead you astray, there has to be a seperation between lambs and goats. Innoncent lambs that are covgered by the blood of jesus christ. They will teach diffrent doctrines than what jesus had said, dark docterines that appear as light.
Use your wisdom, to know what is the truth, in jesus words, and what is doctrines of darkness. Know that sheep are seperated from goats, and there are many wolves, in sheep clothing that appear as light, but they will decieve and lead you to hell. You have to know what is the truth, according to jesus, and to have eternal life. Lead the way, and get corruption out of you. There are many people, who sin all the time, and say 'i have done nothing wrong' know that's not what jesus said. He said sin no more, but were covered but you can't just go out and indulge in most insidious pleasures, being a drunkard, or greed and having unforgiveness inside you.
This is one thing, jesus said, if you do not forgive someone who has done your wrong, you can't .. be accepted, if you pass away with unforgiveness, it's ... not good end. Unforgiveness is grudge, and has evil inside it. It causes blackness in heart that can spread. That's why jesus said forgive, and not be delighted in pleasures that are dark, delicious, murder, many sins, living in them in indulgance.
I'm suffering right now, but i have to get knowedge out, to infom people. During suffering, it's seems strange things should end this way, but speak, and do goodness. Get corruption out of you, and find the narrow path that jesus had said. Blessed be to you. End of log
"There comes a time in your life where you have to choose to turn the page, write another book, or simply close it"
-Shannon L Alder