Psycho-Babble Alternative Thread 600087

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Re: Side effects from fish oil?

Posted by sdb on March 20, 2006, at 15:04:46

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil? » April8, posted by jedi on March 16, 2006, at 14:42:28

hmm, I think that I have a positive effect after 1.5 weeks of 1.2g EPA from Twinlab fishoil. It seems to be very subtle, but it works somehow. You don't feel drugged.



Re: Side effects from fish oil? - anxiety » April8

Posted by Terry on March 22, 2006, at 9:18:09

In reply to Side effects from fish oil?, posted by April8 on March 16, 2006, at 14:14:07

> Does anyone get insomnia from Omega 3? I started at 2 grams a day taken in the morning and afternoon and a couple of days later was up all night practically. has this happened to anyone? I know that it is suppossed to regulate sleep/melatonin etc. but does it ever cause insomnia? I also wonder if it has made anyone dizzy? I think I have a slight cold and my ears are plugged a bit, but I have also been dizzy since taking more fish oil.
> I am not bi-polar but have PTSD and Major depression. Any imput from others would be SO appreciated!
> I lowered the dose now to one gram in the mornings. just curious from others!
> April

Fish oil causes me to have generalized anxiety. I don't understand that because it is supposed to help aleviate anxiety. Has anyone else experienced anxiety with fish oil?


Re: Side effects from fish oil? - anxiety » Terry

Posted by jedi on March 22, 2006, at 22:27:56

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil? - anxiety » April8, posted by Terry on March 22, 2006, at 9:18:09

> Fish oil causes me to have generalized anxiety. I don't understand that because it is supposed to help aleviate anxiety. Has anyone else experienced anxiety with fish oil?

High dosages may provoke that side effect initially. In my case it was very short lived.


Re: Side effects from fish oil? - anxiety

Posted by LOOPS on March 29, 2006, at 17:40:13

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil? - anxiety » Terry, posted by jedi on March 22, 2006, at 22:27:56

Hi -

fish oil supposedly raises dopamine, just look up fish oil and dopamine on google. I found the following article -

I've been supplementing fish oil for over a year now, and recently have been trying to lower my dose considerably. Initially fish oil did help with depression, but looking over the past year I have had various problems with anxiety that weren't there that much before. I have to say it has really helped with various aches and pains, but I think it's powerful stuff. I'm going to try a lower dose, as also over the past year I've had pretty bad insomnia and agitation and although it could be due to a number of things, it seems to tie in with fish oil consumption.

I tried a few days off and I was considerably more relaxed (although that could all be in my mind) - I even fell asleep really early for once. Note that I am on a low carbohydrate high fat diet so I'm probably getting enough fatty acids anyway (all the meat here is grass-fed). However this morning I did have a few aches and pains from sports training that I don't usually have. Could be anything.

I have read from numerous people that they initially feel better from fish oil then feel more anxious. Others feel more calm YMMV. I feel I suppose more dopamine going on with fish oil. Another thing I have noticed on fish oil is I'm actually smoking more rollups than before. I initially took it to help with my nicotine addiction but low and behold, it seems to stimulate my desire.

I must add that I had added in GLA before, and this seemed to take away the anxiety that the fish oil induced/exacerbated. However, after awhile, I noticed I was more depressed and eating a lot and had no motivation on the GLA + fish oil. I've heard one other person reporting this. Could be the ratio of GLA:fish oil is off.

Right now I will take a small amount of fish oil before my training and no more. Anyway I believe saturated fat is more important right now (makes me thinner!).

I would like to hear other people's experiences.

Take care



Re: Side effects from fish oil? - anxiety » LOOPS

Posted by jedi on March 29, 2006, at 22:54:45

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil? - anxiety, posted by LOOPS on March 29, 2006, at 17:40:13

> Hi -
> fish oil supposedly raises dopamine, just look up fish oil and dopamine on google. I found the following article -

Thanks for the article. With the associated articles and references there is a wealth of information to digest.
Thanks again,


Re: Side effects from fish oil? - dopamine

Posted by qqqsimmons on April 3, 2006, at 23:29:36

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil? - anxiety, posted by LOOPS on March 29, 2006, at 17:40:13

another thanks for the article. melatonin inhibits some dopamine release ( i wonder if one could combine fish oil and melatonin and get benefits from both, and what the corresponding dosages would be...


Re: Side effects from fish oil? - dopamine

Posted by LOOPS on April 4, 2006, at 10:04:40

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil? - dopamine, posted by qqqsimmons on April 3, 2006, at 23:29:36

Hi -

I took fish oil and melatonin for ages - 1mg melatonin every night. Initially it worked but after awhile I would be waking up completely after 2 hours sleep at night. Eventually the melatonin stopped working completely. I took a break but it never started working again even after this. It worked great though for about 2 months. It did seem to make me less anxious.



Re: Side effects from fish oil? - dopamine

Posted by qqqsimmons on April 4, 2006, at 18:00:11

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil? - dopamine, posted by LOOPS on April 4, 2006, at 10:04:40

did the anti-anxiety effect go away after two months too?

anyway, right now i take 100mg DHA per day, Source Naturals brand Neuromins. Kind of expensive but it's hard to get a small dose of fish oil.

i like DHA cuz it's supposed to have a shorter half-life than EPA.


Re: Side effects from fish oil? - dopamine

Posted by LOOPS on April 6, 2006, at 10:57:57

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil? - dopamine, posted by qqqsimmons on April 4, 2006, at 18:00:11

high DHA pills definitely made me worse - irritable with anxiety. And this was on a pill that had 200mg EPA/200mg DHA. I got better on 400mgEPA/200mg DHA pills.



Re: dopamine / fish oil / melatonin

Posted by qqqsimmons on April 6, 2006, at 18:48:59

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil? - dopamine, posted by LOOPS on April 6, 2006, at 10:57:57

yeah, i can't take the usual 120 mg dha, 180 mg epa pill per day. i love how the bottle says "take three per day". do most people have no psychoactive side-effect or what? i mean, insomnia is never mentioned as a side effect in the usual stuff on fish oil.

i'm taking microdoses of melatonin this week. 100mg or less per day. definitely helps me with overstimulation. hopefully this effect doesn't wear off like you suggested.


Re: dopamine / fish oil / melatonin

Posted by LOOPS on April 7, 2006, at 9:22:26

In reply to Re: dopamine / fish oil / melatonin, posted by qqqsimmons on April 6, 2006, at 18:48:59

I lied!

Last night I took 1mg melatonin as I couldn't see the harm in it even if it didn't work for me again. Basically I've sworn myself off any sleep meds and am willing to bite the bullet with insomnia instead, so as you can see I had nothing to lose.

WEll it worked again. Granted, my sleep was pretty broken and completely jam packed with dreaming and tossing and turning all night (had previously taken some P5P and cal/mag/zinc) but the point is I slept without meds.

A couple of days ago I had a 'sleep deprivation experience' which turned out pretty good ironically. Didn't get much sleep (let's say 4 hours tops), got up very groggy and then had a completely great day despite being tired. No anxiety, depression had lifted and motivation to do stuff round the house that I've been putting off for donkeys was high. Ended the day with a band practice which was storming then crashed into bed. Didn't actually sleep well after this, but then that isn't unusual.

So this is encouraging. It means that not getting enough sleep is not necessarily going to make me feel like pants the next day. Which is the original reason I started taking the sleeping pills.

I really think fish oil will potentiate anything else you take, but alone it never really did squat for me apart from if I took huge amounts and lowered all the other fats in my diet. Then it worked for depression but the anxiety started to get a bit high.



Re: dopamine / fish oil / melatonin

Posted by qqqsimmons on April 7, 2006, at 17:01:55

In reply to Re: dopamine / fish oil / melatonin, posted by LOOPS on April 7, 2006, at 9:22:26

glad to hear the melatonin helped again, at least once. before, i'd gotten nervous about it cuz there was talk here about melatonin "causing" physical depression (by physical, i mean depression of the brain and body, not just negative thinking). but for me fish oil kicks any physical depression's *ss. although if i'm having negative thoughts, it may just give me more energy to think negatively...

it seems i can take a bit of melatonin any time of day and i'll sleep better that night. i may feel a bit sluggish at work, but some times the slowing of thoughts is good when dealing with people.


melatonin / luteinizing hormone

Posted by qqqsimmons on April 8, 2006, at 10:42:56

In reply to Re: dopamine / fish oil / melatonin, posted by qqqsimmons on April 7, 2006, at 17:01:55

i think melatonin is causing me to lose muscle. i weighed 150 lbs this morning. i looked on this morning and read how it reduces luteinizing hormone, which affects testosterone.

i guess the herb tribulus (puncture vine) will restore LH. i tried some once or twice and got insomnia.

maybe micro-doses of each could counterbalance each other. or i could just try to sleep naturally...


Re: melatonin / luteinizing hormone

Posted by LOOPS on April 9, 2006, at 9:33:58

In reply to melatonin / luteinizing hormone, posted by qqqsimmons on April 8, 2006, at 10:42:56

Hi -

you said you take 100mg melatonin- I assume you mean 100mcg?

As regards muscle loss, I play tennis every day and am definintely not losing muscle. Melatonin never affected this for me.

I slept again last night without pills - again, 1mg melatonin (and dolomite pills). Woke up too early but did go back to sleep again.

I've never tried melatonin in the day - sounds interesting. It seems fair to say anything which is calming has the potential to be depressing (apart from taurine which seems to have both calming and stimulating properties).



Re: Side effects from fish oil?

Posted by stephano on May 22, 2006, at 20:48:45

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil?, posted by sdb on March 20, 2006, at 15:04:46

Ahhhh fish oil! Yet another example of this arbitrary distinction between what is 'natural' (and thus supposedly safer) versus pharmaceutical/chemical.
Fish oil really messed with my head! (and I see that it's affected others too)
I have had ME/CFS for ten years...and there is no doubt that an effective dopamine problem plays a role in this condition. But simply "boosting" dopamine has caused some scary effects...perhaps because dopamine receptors are upregulated/overly sensitised due to such a long period of low levels. (Pure speculation)
What I do know is that taking 3 fish oil capsules (i.e following the directions!) had a noticeable positive effect on excercise tolerance/stamina, body temperature (I'm always freezing cold and it warmed me up nicely) appetite and mood...BUT (big, big BUT) it went too far and brought on symptoms which felt like the beginnings of psychosis. Distorted reality, anxiety, disassociative state....I can tell you I had to grit my teeth to hold it together. Scary...but less so once you realise what's caused it and that you're not actually developing schizophrenia. Obviously such a rection would be rare...but the label should specify starting at low doses and working upwards slowly.


Re: Side effects from fish oil? » stephano

Posted by Larry Hoover on May 24, 2006, at 8:34:41

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil?, posted by stephano on May 22, 2006, at 20:48:45

> Obviously such a rection would be rare...but the label should specify starting at low doses and working upwards slowly.

I don't think that fish oil is very far removed from the fish, so as to move it into a different realm than any other nutrient. If fish oil is a problem, why not just eat more fish?

Idiosyncratic reactions, i.e. those limited to your personal experience which fall outside typical response, are yours to discover. It's your duty, to yourself, to figure it out. If 3 g/day fish oil is too much, don't swallow so much of it. Ya know?



Re: Side effects from fish oil?

Posted by stephano on May 25, 2006, at 18:08:03

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil? » stephano, posted by Larry Hoover on May 24, 2006, at 8:34:41

> > Obviously such a rection would be rare...but the label should specify starting at low doses and working upwards slowly.
> I don't think that fish oil is very far removed from the fish, so as to move it into a different realm than any other nutrient. If fish oil is a problem, why not just eat more fish?
> Idiosyncratic reactions, i.e. those limited to your personal experience which fall outside typical response, are yours to discover. It's your duty, to yourself, to figure it out. If 3 g/day fish oil is too much, don't swallow so much of it. Ya know?
> Lar

Wow- I am bowled over by the wisdom in this response. "Don't take so much of it!" Spectacular- why didn't I think of that!

The point (consistent with the point of the posts on this topic, which you seem to be ignoring) is that people can have bad reactions to fish oil- Perhaps you might have noted that others have also had some negative responses, such as anxiety? Taking three capsules a day is the recommended dosage on the bottle; I didn't roll dice to come up with this figure. I am saying that it, like anything else that can have a quite significant effect on neurotransmitters, should be used with care. The fact that there is a (sometimes) arbitrary distinction between drugs and "supplements" means that something like fish oil might be used with less care than a drug. So- I'm saying labels should say to start off low and build up once you've registered your response.


Re: Side effects from fish oil? » stephano

Posted by Larry Hoover on May 25, 2006, at 19:52:03

In reply to Re: Side effects from fish oil?, posted by stephano on May 25, 2006, at 18:08:03

> > > Obviously such a rection would be rare...but the label should specify starting at low doses and working upwards slowly.
> >
> > I don't think that fish oil is very far removed from the fish, so as to move it into a different realm than any other nutrient. If fish oil is a problem, why not just eat more fish?
> >
> > Idiosyncratic reactions, i.e. those limited to your personal experience which fall outside typical response, are yours to discover. It's your duty, to yourself, to figure it out. If 3 g/day fish oil is too much, don't swallow so much of it. Ya know?
> >
> > Lar
> >
> Wow- I am bowled over by the wisdom in this response. "Don't take so much of it!" Spectacular- why didn't I think of that!

I'm sorry. I didn't speak with condescension, but I can understand that you could have felt that way. Some people respond to substances a full order of magnitude apart in dose (a power of ten) from that required by others. I meant a rhetorical sense, but again, I'm sorry.



Fish oil can cause insomnia and dizziness

Posted by dessbee on June 1, 2006, at 9:51:55

In reply to Re: FOOD FOR THOUGHT-Omega 3, posted by blueberry on January 16, 2006, at 19:13:29

I take take two capsules of concentrated fish oil corresponding to 4 grams of regular fish oil. If I take more it will cause insomnia and dizziness.


fish oil concentration of chilean farmed salmon

Posted by LOOPS on June 4, 2006, at 8:12:47

In reply to Fish oil can cause insomnia and dizziness, posted by dessbee on June 1, 2006, at 9:51:55

So I was looking on the back of the packet of salmon I usually buy here in Chile, and was SHOCKED at how much omega-3 one small piece (100g) contains - 3g. That's 3 GRAMS OF ACTUAL OMEGA-3 (presumably EPA, DPA & DHA & ALA combined). That's like 5 of my double-concentrated pills in one little piece. I suppose some of that gets destroyed in cooking though - maybe I should eat it lightly cooked.

I mean, that's a huge amount.



Re: fish oil concentration of chilean farmed salmon » LOOPS

Posted by Larry Hoover on June 4, 2006, at 18:05:08

In reply to fish oil concentration of chilean farmed salmon, posted by LOOPS on June 4, 2006, at 8:12:47

> So I was looking on the back of the packet of salmon I usually buy here in Chile, and was SHOCKED at how much omega-3 one small piece (100g) contains - 3g. That's 3 GRAMS OF ACTUAL OMEGA-3 (presumably EPA, DPA & DHA & ALA combined). That's like 5 of my double-concentrated pills in one little piece. I suppose some of that gets destroyed in cooking though - maybe I should eat it lightly cooked.
> I mean, that's a huge amount.
> Loops

That's pretty typical of farmed salmon, which is actually 20-50% higher than is wild caught. Depending on a whole slew of variables.

I wouldn't worry much about the cooking. Because fish is moist, the flesh temperature cannot exceed the range of temps for liquid water. The PUFAs are not especially vulnerable to degredation in those temp ranges, and the brief cooking times. Still, you could try ceviche, as an alternative. Or cook with lemon or rosemary, which are antioxidant. Ya know?

Yes, eating the whole dang fish is a good idea. There are lots of other good things in fish, too.

I like canned salmon because the bones are steamed to the point that you can eat them. All that calcium and magnesium, so readily available (if stomach acid is up to the task). Plus the omegas etc. I get tinned salmon at $.99-1.49. I figure one tin is good for 4-6 grams omega-3s. You can see globules of fat in the liquid in the tin. All good fat. Very high quality protein.

Sometimes I splurge and eat a whole salmon. Up to about 5 lbs, just baked. I have no idea how good that is for me. It just is good to eat.



Re: Fish oil can cause insomnia and dizziness

Posted by qqqsimmons on June 5, 2006, at 11:06:34

In reply to Fish oil can cause insomnia and dizziness, posted by dessbee on June 1, 2006, at 9:51:55

yeah, i'm more sensitive to the stuff. i bought some today that has 55mg dha and 85mg epa (enzymatic therapy), so i can micro-dose and not wake up at three in the morning.


Fish oil, half-life, insomnia

Posted by psychobot5000 on October 4, 2006, at 20:46:35

In reply to Side effects from fish oil?, posted by April8 on March 16, 2006, at 14:14:07

I've just started a fish oil regimen (approx 1g EPA, 700mg DHA in the morning), and found it to cause insomnia--which is too bad, because otherwise it really seems to help.

Does anyone know what the half-lives of DHA and EPA are? Does the dose build up in your blood (or fatty tissue) over a period of days or weeks?

There was some talk that DHA is metabolised faster, so I am trying to figure out if, say, switching to a DHA-heavy supplement might help the insomnia, or if there is some other solution?

I take it with green tea, or green tea extract, which seems to add to the positive effect on mood and concentration.


Re: Fish oil, half-life, insomnia » psychobot5000

Posted by jedi on October 4, 2006, at 21:23:37

In reply to Fish oil, half-life, insomnia, posted by psychobot5000 on October 4, 2006, at 20:46:35

> I've just started a fish oil regimen (approx 1g EPA, 700mg DHA in the morning), and found it to cause insomnia--which is too bad, because otherwise it really seems to help.

I take about the same dosage as you on a daily basis. Give the fish oil some time. Initially, I had bad insomnia. But, it went away fairly fast. I started Omega-3s a long time ago, so I don't remember exactly how long the insomnia lasted. Initially, it worked so well on my depression, that I was able to stop taking Nardil. However, after several months the depression returned, so back on the MAOI. I now use the Omega-3s as an augmentor and for it's overall positive effects on the heart and health.
Take care,


Re: Fish oil, half-life, insomnia

Posted by LOOPS on October 5, 2006, at 8:08:39

In reply to Re: Fish oil, half-life, insomnia » psychobot5000, posted by jedi on October 4, 2006, at 21:23:37

Hi -

I found magnesium good for insomnia (always had insomnia with or without fish oil) - several months Mg only, then add in calcium as well, along with some melatonin. Fish oil initially made me a bit too energized - this calmed down though. Right now I'm not taking any coz I'm broke so I'm eating canned sardines instead. I still get insomnia, but that is because my sleep schedule is really hectic due to playing late in a band and I've been out partying too much - so my own fault. When I stay in and go to bed early the above supps do the trick.


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