Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 438696

Shown: posts 1 to 22 of 22. This is the beginning of the thread.


How many drugs are you guys on??????

Posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50

I'm actually on four now....

Nardil- 60mg
Zyprexa- 2.5
Lamictal- 250mg
Xanax - 2-3mg

Overall im very happy and only have some anxiety and OCD to conquer.

But I'm thinking of (temporarily) stopping Nardil, to loose some weight. Also I might replace 2.5mg Zyprexa with 100-400mg Seroquel...

Tell me your cocktails!!!



Re: How many drugs are you guys on?????? » ace

Posted by Colleen D. on January 6, 2005, at 21:11:31

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50

Well, I take four...

cymbalta 60mg
clonazepam 1.25mg
doxepin 25mg
xanax .5mg occasionally

My dx is depression, GAD and OCD.

The clonazepam has been very good for my anxiety and I hope at some point I can drop the others and use a small amount of this for anxiety since it's my biggest problem.



Re: How many drugs are you guys on??? NO!

Posted by Maxime on January 6, 2005, at 21:17:37

In reply to Re: How many drugs are you guys on?????? » ace, posted by Colleen D. on January 6, 2005, at 21:11:31

Ace remember what happened when you stopped the Nardil before? It was a pretty site. You had a lot of trouble and then you went back on and you felt it wasn't working as well. I don't think it's a good idea to cut it out.



Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????

Posted by linkadge on January 6, 2005, at 21:23:23

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50

Don't stop nardil. Ace without nardil doesn't fit my schema of Nardilism.



Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????

Posted by Dan Perkins on January 6, 2005, at 21:38:09

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50

Speaking of weight gain on Nardil, Ace (the Nardil Champ!), I just had an MAOI discussion with my new pdoc and I'm pretty dumbfounded by what he said.

He claims to have prescribed Nardil to a number of patients, yet he had no idea what I was talking about when I said that I had heard that Nardil can cause weight gain. He said that as far as he knew, Nardil was "weight neutral." I have read dozens of self-reports from Nardil takers and the vast majority seem to report weight gain as a major issue. How is it that this guy who claims to have a ton of experience with Nardil has no idea that Nardil can cause weight gain!??!?

> I'm actually on four now....
> Nardil- 60mg
> Zyprexa- 2.5
> Lamictal- 250mg
> Xanax - 2-3mg
> Overall im very happy and only have some anxiety and OCD to conquer.
> But I'm thinking of (temporarily) stopping Nardil, to loose some weight. Also I might replace 2.5mg Zyprexa with 100-400mg Seroquel...
> Tell me your cocktails!!!
> Ace


Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????

Posted by yxibow on January 7, 2005, at 3:22:46

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50

Five +...

Cymbalta 60mg
Neurontin 2700mg
Klonopin 6.5mg
[Topomax tapering off]
Seroquel 1100mg
Ambien 20mg

And as unique as the medication, an anxiety induced psychosis not otherwise specified. Quite lucid, both feet on the ground. My normal reperatoire is anxiety/depression and OCD, not heightened awareness of vision, light, contrast, and afterimages, 3 years running. But I digress.

Formerly 6... Remeron caused massive weight gain though positive changes.

If you asked everyone their polypharmacy, chances are likely as you go up 3, 4, 5, 6 medications that you are the only one in western medicine on this combination. Which is some frustration because you cant completely judge what side effects others have... the P450 system is immensely complicated with such a set of things, I'm only glad to have a doctor who is aware of those things.


Re: How many drugs are you guys on?????? » ace

Posted by King Vultan on January 7, 2005, at 8:05:00

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50

Parnate 60 mg
Risperdal 0.25 mg--this will probably be going up to 0.5 mg/day at some point

For insomnia from the Parnate, 5 mg Ambien + 25 mg Benadryl, alternating every other night with 0.25 mg triazolam (by itself).

I would also recommend not going off the Nardil just to lose a little weight if your cocktail is working reasonably well otherwise. I think it would be far wiser to see what you can do with exercise and/or diet.



Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????

Posted by tensor on January 7, 2005, at 8:24:18

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50


clonazepam 2-4mg
remeron 30mg
zoloft 50mg
lithium 600mg

for depression, anxiety and SP. Actually started with lith today..



Re: How many drugs are you guys on?????? » ace

Posted by Optimist on January 7, 2005, at 9:04:05

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50


I know you're on a low dose of Zyprexa but is it possible that it's contributing significantly to your weight gain?

Here's a quote from you I copied from Dec. 28. 2003.

"I made a HUGE mistake going off Nardil twice...I relapsed twice, went right back into my living hell...but Nardil comes back strong to save me!"

Good luck, what ever decision you choose. :)



Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????

Posted by djmmm on January 7, 2005, at 9:31:51

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50

> I'm actually on four now....
> Nardil- 60mg
> Zyprexa- 2.5
> Lamictal- 250mg
> Xanax - 2-3mg
> Overall im very happy and only have some anxiety and OCD to conquer.
> But I'm thinking of (temporarily) stopping Nardil, to loose some weight. Also I might replace 2.5mg Zyprexa with 100-400mg Seroquel...
> Tell me your cocktails!!!
> Ace

UGGG...Ace! dont stop a med that's working for you...You are one of the lucky few who is happy with the results of their med combo. Please exhaust every other method of weight loss before you even think about stopping Nardil...


Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????

Posted by SLS on January 7, 2005, at 11:25:37

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50

I agree with the other posters who have expressed a concern that you might relapse into a severe depression should you discontinue the Nardil. I have found that the weight gain with Nardil is more a result of increased calorie consumption (carbohydrate cravings) than of a change in metabolism. Of course, I am describing only one person's experience. I have also found that Zyprexa produces as much weight gain at lower dosages as it does at higher dosages. Zyprexa produces a disturbance in glucose dynamics and is probably harder to manage body weight while taking it because of this. Of course, Zyprexa can also increase dramatically one's sense of hunger and reduce their sense of satiety.

You might be tempting the fate of many by discontinuing too often an effective antidepressant only to see treatment resistance emerge. You've been lucky so far...

- Scott


Re: How many drugs are you guys on?????? » ace

Posted by emme on January 7, 2005, at 11:54:01

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50

Don't even *think* about dropping it. Keep the Nardil. How about glucophage? I don't know if that would be appropriate for the mechanism that's causing your weight gain. But I just thought I'd throw it out there. What about topomax?



Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????

Posted by Kimbersaur on January 7, 2005, at 18:51:47

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50

I'm on...

Seroquel 150mg
Effexor 150mg
Lamictal 200mg

...but I've been tapering down on my meds as much as I can get away with while keeping my stability.


Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????

Posted by mmcconathy on January 7, 2005, at 19:34:58

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50

Vodka - 2 shots
Dexedrine 45mg
Klonopin 2mg
And Nicoderm, i dont smoke, i just take nicotine to cope.

I'm really decideing if i shold try
Zyprexa or Respirdal, but i hear Respirdal is the Zombie medication.

I dont know, just pray ill have a reality check......




Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????

Posted by ed_uk on January 7, 2005, at 19:47:08

In reply to Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by mmcconathy on January 7, 2005, at 19:34:58

Just lofepramine 140mg at the moment, was taking citalopram 60mg up until a few weeks ago. 'Polypharmacy' is not fashionable in England like it is in the US!



Re: Thanks guys!! NARDIL STAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by ace on January 7, 2005, at 19:58:53

In reply to Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ed_uk on January 7, 2005, at 19:47:08

U guys have convinced me that Nardil will NOT be discontinued....

Independent of my other medications Nardil still provides...

1. 95% relief from Social Phobia
2. 90% relief from generalized anxiety
3. 45% relief from OCD
4. 85% relief from depression
4. 70% relief from depersonalisation d/o with concomitant phobic anxiety

This is preety good, and I should be grateful...I remember before when I was on Nardil, I only had minimal weight gain -- at that time Zyprexa wasn't in the picture...

New plan for weight loss...

1. Rigorous exercise 3-5 times/week
2. Eat healthily -- cut back on sweets
3. Replace Zyprexa with 100-200mg Seroquel

Guys and gals, tell me what u think...all your comments have great impact on me, and for that I'm truly grateful...

Peace to you all!


Re: Thanks guys!! NARDIL STAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » ace

Posted by jasmineneroli on January 8, 2005, at 0:10:04

In reply to Re: Thanks guys!! NARDIL STAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by ace on January 7, 2005, at 19:58:53

Add my vote to the others', Ace. Nardil for you!

As to your new regimen, I would include : 4 protein meals a day (don't ever go more than 4 hours without protein during the day). Eat your protein with mostly complex carbs (i.e. veggies, & whole grains...not loads of potatoes/pasta or white rice.) Drink lots of water!

Everything in your plan looks great :)

And my combo:
.25mg Klonopin
3 grams Tryptophan (and a host of supporting vitamins/minerals!) Tianeptine (just started)

For: Severe GAD with some periodic mild depression and mild OCD
Good luck champ!


Re: Thanks guys!! NARDIL STAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Donna Louise on January 8, 2005, at 5:45:00

In reply to Re: Thanks guys!! NARDIL STAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by ace on January 7, 2005, at 19:58:53

Whew Ace, that was a close one. Isn't it cool to check with the babblers first. I know my best thinking on my own sucks. I do understand though, I hate weight gain and your new resolve strenthens mine. Thankee for yourself.



Re: Thanks guys!! NARDIL STAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » ace

Posted by johnnystats on January 8, 2005, at 7:41:40

In reply to Re: Thanks guys!! NARDIL STAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by ace on January 7, 2005, at 19:58:53

overall your coctail seems to be very effective for you, but i would recommend scrapping the anti-psychotics alltogether. I tried most of them and all they did was make me gain weight. Better off sticking with the xanax. Definititely stay on the nardil though-best drug i've ever tried for depression/sp!



Posted by ace on January 10, 2005, at 22:07:20

In reply to Re: Thanks guys!! NARDIL STAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?ace, posted by johnnystats on January 8, 2005, at 7:41:40


Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????

Posted by sunsplashinwaves on August 20, 2005, at 18:18:40

In reply to How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by ace on January 6, 2005, at 20:58:50

I know I am late posting this response... Late going back thru the site... Actually taking a day for me and to be just plain LAZY **smiles**

Adderall 10mg twice a day
Adderall XR 30mg once a day
Percocet 5mg 1-3 times a day
Xanax .25mg 1-2 times a day
Topamax 25mg once a day (stepping up to 150mg)
Doxepin HCL 50mg once a day
Piroxicam 20mg once a day

AND my Flintstone Vitamin

Think that about wraps things up...


Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????

Posted by willyee on August 22, 2005, at 17:16:16

In reply to Re: How many drugs are you guys on??????, posted by sunsplashinwaves on August 20, 2005, at 18:18:40

Be cautious with the Flintstone vitamin,they are so yummy they have been known to build tolerance and addiction.

Also never stop a Flinstone Vitamin,carefully taper off or you will have the worst W/D.Especialy if u consume mostly DINO`S.

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