Posted by reefer on April 25, 2005, at 7:27:39 [reposted on April 25, 2005, at 21:21:12 | original URL]
In reply to Withdrawal is AWFUL!, posted by Mariqua on April 23, 2005, at 19:34:55
Sounds like your doctor got a little bit to eager to get you on the Wellbutrin. SSRI/SNRI withdrawing can make you feel sick like a dog only that. And starting an anxiogenic like Wellbutrin on top of that is insane. My advice: Get off the Wellbutrin get on the Effexor 37.5 mg dose until you can reach your doctor. Get the doctor to prescrive Fluoxetine(Prozac) and when you stop Effexor take Prozac for a few days and then just stop. It will minimize the effexor "withdrawal". And then after you get off the Prozac get on Wellbutrin. One thing at a time. Since you are feeling like this, this was way to fast a change of drugs.