Posted by Ann78 on October 1, 2007, at 11:09:31
I am 29 and attend a Unversity (psychology major). It is not easy attending school with PTSD, I know from personal experience. I am doing an investigation paper for my English class. I just want to get imput from others on this topic, none of the replies will go into my paper. I know I am not the only one struggling with PTSD and going to school.
What is your experiences/challenges you face going to college/university?
If you are unable to take classes on campus, do you do online classes instead?
What specific aspects of PTSD affect a college student?
Anything you like to share would be helpful on this topic.If you do not have PTSD. What questions would the interested, general educated people might have on this topic? Common sense questions. Like who, why, when, and how question.