Posted by alexandra_k on March 27, 2021, at 21:47:31
new zealand isn't really about work it's about pandering to senior people. if they see you have capacity to do the work then you are in a bit of a bind, really, because they will want to keep you, so they will want to hide the fact that you can do the work and they won't write you good references and the like.
so it's not really possible to work your way up insofar as i can see without pandering to your supervisor and then... doing things behind their back. so you can get out from under them.
and this is how people spend their time, i suppose. 'i'd love to work with you but i have this offer from over here so i'd need you to beat that otherwise i can't do it' (even if you are making up fibs.
and people make up fibs. psychopathy must be rewarded.
and what they really seem to want is people who are masters of getting other people to do their work for them. stealing the work of other people. not being able to produce work of their own but stealing the work of other people.
because then they can cry cry cry to the government for money handouts to pay the workers of however many people under their employ... and then that's money they can take for themselves while never paying their workers.
that's how one makes progress in the race to the bottom.
the education system here is very confusing. they keep trying to change it. because they know it isn't working and they spend a lot of money on changing it all the time.
the thing with it really is about hiding or obfuscating aspects of it so that the majority of people don't understand it.
that way teh elite (the people who designed it, i suppose) ensure that their own gets every possible advantage.
it does seem to be about hiding and obfuscating. intentionally.
for example...
they go on a lot about valuing the arts by which they mean encouraging people into the arts. encouraging people to take subjects that they themselves consider low-value. quite a few of teh subjects aren't recognised for the purposes of university and they say it's because not everybody needs to go to university.
but the real idea is that not everybody needs reading writing and arithmetic. not everybody needs to be able to read informed consent forms. not everybody needs to be able to write a letter about corruption. not every body needs to be able to understand their bank accounts or financial statements or tax returns.
so there's *what subjects* you take. but then for each subjet there's what modules or units you take within the subject. so... apparently most studnets take the unit standards and do not take the 'achievemnt standards'. most studnets don't know the difference between teh standards. don't know that if they are doing teh unit standards they can only pass - fail. they aren't academic standards...
so then doing the achievement standards... and then how many of them do you have to do?
and then there are some that are internally marked and some that are external. And with the internal ones... you are supposed to do stuff so your teacher has evidence of your having worked before they give you the assessment task.
so you have to get the teacher to give you teh achievement standards assessment. and they set hoops... before they will give you the standard. and that hoops before they will give you the standard can involve them taking weeks to grade previous work (that doesn't count for credits)...
sort of hostages to the teacher.
unless the kid is in a school where the parents threaten to remove teh kid from the school if the kid isn't making good progress.
because the teachers get attached to the kids and decide tehy can flunk them and keep them...
it's an attachmetn disorder thing. and that sickness by proxy. a combination.
it's best to minimise time spent. i find. or people become invested in failing me. to keep me. if i don't want to stay with them more than anything (convincingly to their faces while sneaking around behind their back making other plans) then i deserve to be killed in my sleep. surely.
the work is interesting...
but people get very invested in teh whole competition thing.
teh race to the bottom.
you need your eyes to glaze over so you're a zombie just like them so they let you pass...