Posted by sdb on August 12, 2009, at 17:41:41
in Europe the labor market is really bad now. I guess its the same as in the US maybe even worse in some countries. Some countries in Europe (especially those with treasures of the soil are still ok but it is a clear minority). In Germany for example there are hundred applicants for a job which is unusual. In France its a little bit different.
In the health care there are still jobs eg. psychiatry, surgery, internal medicine... considering that a resident earns approx. 6700 usd (maybe more or less variable down or up) which is the same as a simple commercial clerk.
Why do we try to save so much money in health care whereas we seem to be capable to finance big bonuses of investment bankers (?). I think I didn't get it.
I personally believe that it is a fundamental right to have an adequate job.