Posted by Phil on August 2, 2009, at 22:03:29
* PICNIC ("Problem In Chair, not in Computer")
* POBCAC ("Problem Occurs Between Computer and Chair")
* PIBKAC ("Problem Is Between Keyboard And Chair")
* PEBCAC ("Problem Exists Between Chair and Computer")
* PEBCAS ("Problem Exists Between Chair and Screen")
* PEBCAT ("Problem Exists Between Chair and Terminal")
* PEBMAC ("Problem Exists Between Monitor And Chair")
* PEBCAK ("Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard")
* PEBKAC ("Permanent Error Between Keyboard And Chair")
* PEBUAC ("Problem Exists Between User and Computer")
* EBKAC ("Error Between Keyboard And Chair")
* BCAK (bee kack) ("Between Chair and Keyboard" error)
* IEBKAC ("Interface Error Between Keyboard and Chair")
* PEBKAM ("Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Monitor") which is where the user would appear on a system flow-chart if they were considered part of the machine as a processing component.
* IUE ("Incompetent User Error")
* IO ("Idiot Operator")
* Code 18 ("Problem is 18 inches away from the keyboard")
* Wetworks ("The Drip who is using the computer")
* BIOS ("Biological Interface Errors")