Posted by Lini on March 11, 2002, at 10:33:32
In reply to pretty vacant, posted by trouble on March 8, 2002, at 20:43:07
I have to comment on this cause I was not a picked on kid in school, and as the only african-american girl in a small, extremely white town in Vermont, I am pretty sure this was due to a huge and costly effort on my part to assimilate.
ANYWAY, my point is that the popular kids don't have it all figured out either, they just know what to wear. I was the smartest girl in my class and can remember looking around and realizing that smart wasn't in style, so I decided to be popular instead and set about the process with great success, an added benefit being that i became invisable. It didn't change the shitty things that happened to me or the bouts with depression or suicide attempts. Instead, I got trapped in the hairspray of it all, and became a shadow of who I was really meant to be - upon graduating realizing that all my friends were idiots. I can remember the kids that were picked on...and I can remember half hearted attempts to stick up for people - not wanting to get too close to the line where popularity ended, confused by people's meanness. naively wonderng why those kids didn't just comb their hair, and hide like the rest of us?
anyway, this is just a shout out to the kids that shopped at the GAP, but went home and wrestled their fathers off their mothers, stuck their fingers down their throats to lose five more pounds, slept with guys for sport and tried to kill themselves when they got an 85 in Geometry.
Looking back, the kids that were the meannest were some of the most fucked up kids in the world.