Posted by lou pilder on February 14, 2002, at 16:05:23
In reply to journey or destination? » lou pilder, posted by paula on February 14, 2002, at 15:23:18
> Lou,
> I think you sometimes mistake simple discussion for ridicule. Have you read _Til We Have Faces_ by CS Lewis? It is, in fact, a great book.
> Most paths (roads, if you prefer) to enlightenment of some sort suggest that the journey is just as--or more--important as the destination. Discussion and questioning are part of the journey. Are we not permitted to discuss? Why must we be button-holed as either "following" or "ridiculing" you? I for one am happy that you've found a path (and a destination) that resonates with you. If discussion and questioning is not a part of the Road--and especially if you're offended by my questions--then I'll simply stop contributing.
> --paula
> > ISO ,Kid and Paula
> > When I was in Great City, I was told that one of the conditions to keep the Crown of Life would be that I would have to fullfill a commission to find others to tell them about the Crown of Life. I was told that people would defame me and equate me with all kinds of evil, falsely. I was told that people would say that there is no City of Peace. I was told that I would be ridiculed and mocked. I was told that I could even be killed by those that are defaming me. But when I accepted the Crown of Life, I also accepted the ridicule of the world ad the pain of rejection. It was difficult in that public park to absorb the ridicule and jeering. It was difficult to accept the ostracism by my family and my frieds and my coworkers. But when I came back from the road I found that I was given 100 friends to replace each friend that mocked me. I found that I was given a job that paid 100 times what I was paid as a teacher. I found that I was given a wife that was 100 times more loving to replace my wife that left me. I found that I had 100 mothers to replace the one that died . And 100 fathers and 100 brothers. I was told that I had recieved the Crown of Life because I had overcome. So I must ovecome all things now.
> > LouPaula
Forgive me if I thoght that you contrbution was meant as ridicule. You may certianly say whatever you would like or I have championed free speech and believe that all speech is good. I believe that it is the people that are silient that are dangerous. We should all be free to say what we want without fear. I will explain anything that anyone asks me on this board about how I was transformed from someone that wanted to kill themselves to someone that has a whole new life and wants to share it with othes that are suffering. One of you asked me to "look around" and I see so much suffering on this board. There are people that are crying out in pain and desparation, there are people that have lost hope, there are people that want to die. I am asking you to join the few of us that want to know what they must do to open gates 4-7. I am asking you to go with us and if the journey is not going ware you want it t go you can turn back. On that road are all people. Even people that have prescribed to Lewis Caroll's books. Even those that believe that cats can dance, and where boots. Is doesn't matter what you believe on that Road. For when you arrive at the City, you shall know the
truth, and the Truth shall set you free. Before I went down that road, I was a philosopher also. But after I enetered that City, I found that the wisdom of the world was foolishness. I found out that the dancing cat was a lie. I did, however, find out that all of our suffering was being made into a treasure for us. Will you join us to that place. For where your treasue is, there will your heart be also.
> >
poster:lou pilder