Posted by susan C on September 4, 2001, at 14:06:35
In reply to I need to feel needed, too..., posted by Krazy Kat on September 4, 2001, at 13:28:37
Hi, all,
Nice that lady at the counter was observant enough to comment. I felt dulled on depakote to begin with, but i would take being dulled to being agitated. I think too, just an observation here, it takes time to get your bearings after a change off of manic to something else...there is a challenge there, a challenge to to to to brain fart....sorry, I lost the train of thought.
I went out for a walk today, and my disconnection wasnt so bad today as it has been...Maybe, Maybe this keppera is helping.
I heard a mew mew mew just an hour ago and went out and saw a little kitten. Its eyes are all mucky and it is now waiting for the humane society, I hope we find the others...there is a neighbor who doesnt believe in fixing their cats and who doesnt give them away either, one year I must have collected 20 from one female and I fixed two that have their home on my deck, whom I feed...sigh.
I, myself, and I (but not me to spouse am I) have been, are, dull in the sex department, always have been, but, hey, I have other things...
enough of my day...
Susan C
poster:susan C