Posted by judy1 on October 1, 2002, at 11:08:16
In reply to PTSD, posted by kitt on September 30, 2002, at 21:45:43
Dear Kitt,
I've tried evrything pharmocologically-wise, and I'm sorry to say the only thing that has helped are the benzos (xanax and klonopin) for the panic attacks associated with PTSD. Just really intense psychotherapy- my therapist wants me in 3x/week because I've had a relapse (I'm further along on the dissociative scale and i self-injure). She works with a mixture of interpersonal and DBT and teaches me coping skills. It really is the only proven way, and the severity of the abuse dictates the length of time. I would look (if you already don't have) for a therapist experienced with victims of childhood abuse. Take care, judy