Posted by rayww on December 6, 2004, at 11:01:14
Adam and Eve were taught the laws of the Gospel in the Garden of Eden as they walked and talked with God. But, did their children receive the law? And, if so, how did it get all messed up for us today?
I submit that Abel was taught the laws of God, and knew the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How do we know? Because he offered sacrifice in similitude of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
It didn't take long for some of the earth's family to reject the law, and to try to come up with their own. We know that Cain, who also had the pure law of God, willfully disobeyed and murdered his brother.
It is no wonder there are so many versions of law. Man, by his true nature, does not want to be subject to law. We all want to figure law out for ourselves and make up our own belief and rules.
There hasn't been a moment in time when the eternal laws of God have not existed somewhere on the earth.
I am very grateful that my parents taught me the laws of God when I was young. Some people call that brainwashing.
I am very thankful that I belong to an organized religion that embraces all of the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. Some people call my religion a cult.
I am grateful for my knowledge of who God is, and who Jesus is. Some people call my Jesus Satan.
I choose to believe in and obey the laws of God. Some people call that force and slavery.
We have agency and can choose our own course. "But" (There's always a but, and as you know, one of the rules in English is everything that comes before the but is just horse _________ stuff)
(But) If we willfully choose to ignore the laws of God there will come a time when a generation will become so ripe in iniquity that the wicked will be destroyed.
Some people murdered prophets for saying that.This has happened twice on the American continent, 600 BC, and 400 AD. Hmmm, I wonder why these two accounts were preserved to come forth in our day? God has become a dirty word for most people. They freely use His name in foul language, but refuse to acknowledge who it is they blaspheme. By profaning, we show our rebellion to the laws of God. Profanity is as pornography to the spirit.
Some people say the Book of Mormon is a fabricated story, not really true, written by Joseph Smith, who was a false or fallen prophet. Some even say the Bible is a made up story written by false teachers, etc.
Some people say Jesus was not the Christ.My opinion is that some people do not know what they are talking about. How do we fix it? I plead with you to do your part and turn this around. Believe in God. Pray to Him. Talk directly to Him. He will not turn His back on you. Try it for just one day, and see what happens.
I believe in law. I also believe in justice. I believe one is directly related to the other.
Some people say good is evil and evil is good.
Thankfully, most people in America still believe in God, still call good good, and believe in justice. If most people could help some people, this world would be a better place for all to live.