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Re: Love Effexor « Catty

Posted by Dr. Bob on July 3, 2004, at 14:49:14

In reply to Re: Love Effexor, posted by Catty on July 3, 2004, at 7:44:44

Posted by Catty on July 3, 2004, at 7:44:44

> This information has been so helpful, I can't tell you! Question...what is causing these "brain zaps" does anyone know? I thought I was hearing things! (I guess I am!) I read some postings about the memory thing...I know this sounds really simplistic, but I have found a REALLY good multivitamin (one that include really high antioxidants) has really helped me. I'm 50 and menopausal so I guess it's expected to some degree. If you want the info about the vitamins let me know I'll pass it along. Also, there is a great article in this month's SELF magazine...I think someone mentioned it already. I thought I was going crazy because my doc didn't tell me about these side-effects either. Never mentioned it. Thanks again for the help! Take care and be good..




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