Posted by porkpiehat on October 2, 2015, at 12:32:17
I'm on day two of Nuvigil and it makes me a little racy and irritable. We're talking 50 mgs day one and 25 mgs doses!
I've been wondering how it mixes with Brintellix, which I've combined in the past with vyvanse and gotten good response. I figure better a non-stimulant than vyvanse, right?
Well, after popping 5mgs of Brintellix I felt much worse...headachey, congested, and with a worse cardiovascular feeling than before. I was seeing the two grouped together in terms of modes of action so maybe it's a bad idea.
Anyway I'm kinda shocked how stimulated I feel on it at such a low dose! Similar reactions? thoughts?
I also take celexa 10mgs and lamictal 150mgs...maybe .25 mgs Klonopin/day