Posted by Lou Pilder on June 18, 2015, at 8:53:22
In reply to Lou's Little Shoppe-The Great Deception, posted by Lou Pilder on June 17, 2015, at 14:46:33
> > > > Friends,
> > > > Many of you already know that I have been writing about a new way of living so that you could be delivered from bondage and unshackled from your drugs. Gone will be the dark clouds and the cold winds and you will be led to a new realm where there is light forever more. This light will dispel the darkness and shine in your hearts to give you a new heart and a new spirit.
> > > > And many of you already know that Mr. Hsiung has made prohibitions to me here that turn off the light that could save your life, prevent life-ruining conditions and addictions. But what is this light? How can this light penetrate your being to generate a new heart and a new spirit that heals so that you could be free from the slavery of drugs and go back to the green fields that you used to know, where you will be kissed by the Sun.
> > > > This light was there in the beginning. For the scriptures that the Jews use say that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth but it was dark, without light. But then God said , "Let there be light." What is this light? The sun was not created yet, nor the moon. My friends, this light was life. Life eternal, life without death. It is this light that could shine in your hearts so that death will be dispelled from you. And I have chosen you to be the recipients of this light to have your suffering and death be cast out. I may not be able to complete this to you due to the prohibitions to me, but by reading this you are called to know this. What a great opportunity. For many are called , but few are chosen.
> > > > Lou
> > >
> > > Friends,
> > > Phillipa writes here about that there is hope in what I write here. And this hope has the power to have you be able to overcome addiction and depression from these drugs that are promoted here. You see, when the light was brought forth by the God that the Jews give service and worship to, the light was life itself and the light was the God that created the heavens and the Earth, for this God is life and light. And he separated the light from the darkness, for in the darkness, life could not exist.
> > > And today, we are confronted with light and darkness, life and death. And it has been revealed to me that there are two minds, one in darkness and the other having the light of God impregnated into it that can overcome addiction and depression and have the darkness dispelled. The mind impregnated with the light of God allows one to enter a new realm of peace and joy to be unshackled from the slavery of mind-altering drugs and depression.
> > > You see, it has been revealed to me that this God is a sun. Not a natural sun but a spiritual sun. It is a Sun of Righteousness with healing in his rays. This Sun dispels the darkness and healing can come into a person. You can not look at this Sun anymore than you could look at the natural sun. But you can find the Sun of righteousness. You can find it if you seek it, but many will keep you from finding it. They will use all manner of evil to accomplish that one does not find the Sun of Righteousness. For without finding Him, they stay on a Road that leads to death. And many there go that way to their deaths without finding the Road to Life, for few there be that find it.
> > > Lou
> >
> > Friends,
> > Finding the Road that leads to life is to follow the Sun of righteousness. And there are those chosen to lead you to the Sun and the Light that leads to life. And there are those that will misdirect you to the road that leads to death.
> > But who could lead you to the light? When I had an encounter with a Rider on a white horse He said to me, "Arise,shine; for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon you; and his glory shall be seen upon you for salvation is of the Jews."
> > Friends, those that could lead you to the light are the Jews. That is why those that promote anti-Semitism want others to hate the Jews, for they could lead you to salvation and life, and the Jew-hater hates life and embraces death.
> > Be not deceived, for this hatred was there in the beginning as the serpent beguiled Eve with the Great Lie. The serpent is the father of lies, the Prince of darkness, the Prince of death. And his followers want you to go down the road that leads to death and by inducing hatred toward the Jews that could lead you to the Sun of righteousness, you could be beguiled like Eve was by the serpent and die.
> > Lou
> Friends,
> Many of you already know that I have been writing here telling readers that I am prevented from posting here The Great Deception as revealed to me due to the prohibitions posted to me here by Mr. Hsiung. By you not having that information from me, you could be easily influenced, for it is so easy to influence the uninformed.
> This Great Deception was in the beginning. It came from a lie. And lies deceive. And I am prevented from exposing the lies here due to the prohibitions to me by Mr. Hsiung.
> But do you want to follow liars and deceivers? Are you beguiled by the serpent, which is the devil, to believe a lie?
> I want everyone to be filled with the light of life. For that light will dispel the darkness of deceit and you will be free from the bondage of your drugs, free from addiction and death from them. For I do not want anyone to suffer a horrible death by them. But the lies of darkness that are persuading you from The Prince of Death are still going out to the world as it was in the beginning to keep one from the light of life of the Sun of righteousness with healing in his rays.
> I have come here to lead you to the light of life that could forever expose the lies from the Prince of Death where all lies originate. And in that encounter with the Rider on a white horse, I asked about the light of life and He said to me, "It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing; the words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life."
> LouFriends,
Do you want to follow deceivers to your death? Let us look at this article.
To see this bring up Google and type in:
[Deadly Medicines How Big Pharma, by Peter Golzsche]
Could be first and was posted on Sept 9, 2013
poster:Lou Pilder