Posted by schleprock on December 12, 2012, at 22:29:34
In reply to Lou's response-pseakphurz » rjlockhart37, posted by Lou Pilder on December 12, 2012, at 20:31:09
> > ugh i hope this post is not going to be a flop and no post to it....but anyways...i've been praying to God....Jesus Christ for healing of my infirmaties...and it just is so frustrating to believe and then nothing know having all the faith in the world and then feel like your destroyed when it all turned out to be an illusion/delusion.
> >
> > its just frustrating trying to find God. The only couple times I've had the spirit filled me was once when I was 17 and I was trying my best to do my assinments for class and everyone got them done, no problem...and went to parties, and I sat there slowly trying to figure out the assinment at home. I was torn up for not having support besides my mom, I went into my room and let it out bad, it was the desolate feeling alone, behind, can't connect with others...cried hard for a while...but I felt this tingling feeling on my forehead and through out my body...and felt this presence it wasnt a outside see or hearing, but I could feel this presence come over my body, saying jesus christ is inside me...this complete feeling of like water of life flowed through me....the sorrow went away, not all of it, but it was a precious feeling of hope. Since then, i've been seeking that same spirit, and I can't find it, once and while at night when im praying I can feel it but it goes away. I read about it all the time, and never find anything.
> >
> > But still enough with that yakyak...I just hope that i'll find healing, i've heard of people had miraculis things happen, cancer being healed, demonic forces leaving, people being healed with every kinda of infirmaty....but its just rare, you don't walk down the street and see this, it doesnt happen often, and there's been many preachers that got into a delusion they could heal and it didnt happen. You don't see a ray of light in your room and suddenly be healed, its a rare event when it does happen.
> >
> > But, i have to ask people here...i mean how do you see this kinda of healing taking place? like begging God, over and over for a miracle to happen? I've been trying to be healed of social impairment, but here on babble i have no problem writing and discussing things, its just im not a social guy...and have not found a solution.
> >
> > Well....i just want relief, feel that feeling of life going through me again..
> >
> > any thoughts would be great...:)
> >
> > r
> rj,
> You wrote,[ do you see this kind of healing taking place...?].
> It has been revealed to me how this healing can take place. I am prevented from posting that here due to the prohibitions to me by Mr Hsiung.
> But you can go through the archives and see some of this revealtion. .
> Now there is a start. And when I was seeking healing, I was in a park and there was a man speaking to a crowd that was mocking and taunting him. One called out," If you are what you say, turn these stones into bread." He said to them," Man shall not live by bread alone." Then he went from them to a hill where there was a lot of people and the scoffers followed him. One yelled out to him, "If we are not to live by bread alone, what else is there to live for?" He called out to them, "Repent, for The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
> Lou
>Bread makes me poop.