Posted by yxibow on July 25, 2009, at 20:53:00
In reply to Re: you think pdocs like to do consultations with.... » obsidian, posted by Phil on July 24, 2009, at 5:58:07
> They all think they're smarter than their peers.
That's a bit of high generalization don't you think ?
I'm sure you know your psychiatrist but I happen to know that both ethically and just by personality, my doctor is not opposed to consultations by various other doctors, even other (related) fields.
I admit there are "Dr. God" types of doctors but if you're paying for one and seeing one and you get that impression a lot, why continue?
(This is not a "dump your doctor" statement -- I don't really approve of that sort of line)
> Example: After attempting suicide last month, I called my pdoc immediately. He said to go to a local psych / rehab hospital so they could get me balanced or something to that effect.
Well, I'm not sure what country you're in, but in the US in general, or at least in this part, you're bound as a doctor to report only a few things: imminent danger of harm to self or others, potential danger of child abuse, and potential danger of elder abuse. And possibly DMV related things only if they get to a certain level. But there are few things that go outside the doctor-patient relationship.So if you reported a suicide (attempt), why wouldn't you be in a hospital ?
> My psychiatrist at the hospital was a very cool lady(which was refreshing)
> I had been on: 90 mg Cymbalta, 1200mg Lithium,
> 1.5mg Clonazepam, and 400mg Lamictal.
> She dropped the dose to 60mg Cymbalta and 600mg Lithium and left the others unchanged. She said sometimes less is more.This is one view of medicine, that the fewer agents the better, the fewer side effects, and simplification.
> I see my regular pdoc shortly after getting out.
> He ups the Lithium to 900mg and says Lithium cannot augment your AD below 900mg.
> He upped the Cymbalta back to 90mg and said, you don't drop an AD dose on a severely depressed patient.Hmm.... Actually its never been proven that beyond 60mg is any better than 60mg itself; although I went up to 80, 90 and 120 when I was on it.
> I'm thinking, why the hell did I go to hospital(which I actually enjoyed)other than my safety?I do see the argument here.... (enjoying a hospital is not something I've ever felt, but....)
I would say safety.... and yes, hospitals have been known as a place if you -really- need to adjust your medications, which I can see was changed again.... not sure what to say there..
> Why couldn't my pdoc be more professional in how he handled it? Personally, I would have said, you know, I have a lot of respect for Dr. 'B' but I really feel we should do it my way.
> Fine Dr. A but your way is what landed me in the hospital in the first GD place!Well.... suicide attempts do go there... But please don't take that as any character assassination or implication that that feeling or urge is your fault.
> Assume they are self-absorbed educated idiots until proven otherwise.
I think you should have a discussion with your doctor and be open about just how you really feel. I think of doctor relationships as a give and take relationship and not something where you sit down and no part is taken in things.
So I can see at least -part- of your argument here.
-- Jay