Posted by Vincent_QC on January 25, 2009, at 9:37:36
In reply to Re: How to Augment Parnate for social-anx + anhedonia?, posted by desolationrower on January 25, 2009, at 2:09:56
> > > First get to an adequate dose of parnate before trying to augment it. 40-60.
> > >
> > > -d/r
> >
> > I've tried up to 40mg and I am sensitive to most meds. at 30 and 40mg I would get extremely dizzy extremely often. I reach down for 3 seconds to find the shampoo and guess what... by the time I stand up my vision is all yellow for about 1 minute, my hearing becoming subdued, and I am trying to balance myself against the clear glass in the shower so I dont fall over. Not to mention my ability to think/concentrate would be very compromised.
> >
> > I cannot handle a higher dose of Parnate except possibly 25mg without huge side effects. Just like I cannot handle over 12mg Paxil (in the past) without feeling tremendously sleepy all the time.
> how long were you at that dose? it might be an indication that you were finally reaching an effective dose. If you didn't before, i'd go back to 30 and wait a few weeks for the side effects to dissipate. then to 40, etc.
> -d/rLike I wrote yesterday, some "Florinef: fludrocortisone acetate" pills can help to resolve the dizness, the tinnitus and the concentration problems. The anhedonia is typical of the depressive symptoms...i'm like this also and nothing succeed to help me in that field. I think I never enjoy life at all...maybe just when I was drunk 4 nights/week...but it was an artificial pleasure effects...anyway...I'm sure the anhedonia will fade away when you will find the good drug for you...everything is connected together...and since it's better to focus on one problem at the time, you should ask yourself witch disorder make your life the worst...Social anxiety, depression, general anxiety...??? Work on the primary problem, not the second one... For now forget the combo option or the augmentation with another drug...who will just add more stress and negatives thoughts in your head and your life...
Some people are more sensible to the side-effects of a drug, other people can take a higher dose without noticing any side-effect at all... If your heart don't go crazy and if you didn't have any high blood pressure problem, I think the best solution is maybe to up the dosage by 5mg each 2 weeks...until you reach at least 30mg, the minimum effective dosage for the Parnate...if you can't have the Florinef pills, take some salt with water when you feel like you will fainted or will help to make your blood pressure normal, not low...and prevent the dizness and others problems connected with the orthostatic hypotension....
In the social anxiety field, if nothing improve more in 1 month, (since the Parnate often do some good effects at start and they fade away fast), I think up the dosage will be unnecessary and wait for a partial answer or relief will be unnecessary also...I'm sure you don't want to loose your time on something who will not work for you...that's my guess...
That's my point of view...Personnaly, I didn't like my Parnate experience. The promising effects when you up the dosage (The untolerable side-effects was also more and more present at each increase) and the pop up (fade away) after a couple of days make me feel irritable + side-effecst on my heart was untolerable... I really find the Parnate "unstable". That's maybe why they don't know in witch category of MAOI it goes (Reversible, irreversible), the short half-life in the blood of the Parnate, and the fact that he have a rapid onset of action and the fast time the regeneration of the MAO enzymes take to reform, make this drug less suitable for the "Stability" of is effect.
I know one thing, I care a lot about my health and I don't want to die of a heart attack or something like this...I always prefer to have low blood pressure than high BP...The Parnate was not for me....BUT maybe it's the good choice for you.
The Nardil or the Marplan seem to be a more good choice if you are sensible to the Parnate. Maybe they take more time to work for social anxiety, some people will claim it have more side-effects (weight gain, sedation, insomnia) but it will maybe not be the same on you... At least when the Nardil kick in, it's stay at the same level. Like all the others drugs, with the TIME, maybe he will loose some effects...but I never take a drug who stay effective for years and years without some loose of power... (Paxil was effective at 50mg for 4 years on me, after, just stop working...)...
That's another time my point of view...
It seem that on this board, people get more and more into the Parnate and push the Nardil or the Marplan out of option...I still don't know why... I know that my first try of Nardil was so so, but I also know that I never give it the time to do his action...since no other medication help me before for my social anxiety (PArtial answer to the PAxil for 4 years and rivotril maybe on the first month), I think I should try it again, up the dose at the maximum and wait...even if it's more than 3 months of waiting at the 90mg dosage... I don't think I will improve more (on another drugs) ...and it's better than nothing at all. The magic pill don't exist...I always had social anxiety, even as a kid and I have an avoindance personnality..i'm like this and I have to accept it...Now, I can change my thoughts and try some options to help me to be someone who his interact more with the others people and who will feel more well in a social event or anyplace with a lot of people...Every little improve I will get on a drug I will take it...
Well...I write and write and write...I tend to repeat myself, sorry !!! lol I just sleep 8 hours in a row because I double my dose of Seroquel before bedtime (50mg)...and I have some dizness this laptop screen move a little bit...hahaha, but at least I sleep ! lol I don't sleep like this since years and years...Well, I don't feel more energized this morning, I will probably return in my bed in the afternoon, but at least, I know I sleep the 8 hours(magic number in my head), make me think that i'm not doing insomnia and I will have a good day ... Well that's it...Bye for now and take care ok!!!