Posted by Jay_Bravest_Face on April 6, 2008, at 22:59:12
Well, my suspicions where true. Just when I seemed to be doing good on Cymbalta, my blood sugar reading where getting all out of control. I didnt know what it was at first, but I just had a gut feeling it might be one of my meds. It seemed that after I started Cymbalta, the glucose thing became bad. So, I got around to my Cymbalta, and stopped taking it for a few days. Ta-da. Blood sugar lowers to between 7 and 10 (That is Canadian..I dont know how Americans measure it.) They say, try for between 5-8, but 5-10 two hours after eating is supposedly acceptable. So, then the next morning I take my Cymbalta dose, and within 3-4 hours, my reading is up to 24!!! I jumped up at work, took two extra diabetes pills, and headed for the emergency room. The doctor looked Cymbalta up in our CPS (Canadas version of the PDR) and yep, buried in there, rise in blood sugar was listed close to the top of the side-effects.
Now, the reason I also bring this up is that the Cymbalta drug company here in Canada, Lilly, published their own little bit of research on this issue. They came to the conclusion that Cymbalta had a slight effect on rising blood sugar. Now, do yall remember that little pill called Zyprexa? Yes, of course you do. They kept some of its very damning research locked away for years, that even the FDA (the government) couldnt get a hold of! Could you imagine if they had published that story about the one poor guy in the Zyprexa trials, who didnt even have diabetes, and when he started Zyprexa, his blood sugar shot up to 130 (Canadian) or something like that, and of course the poor guy died as a result. I am not knocking Zyprexa or Cymbaltathey are good medications, but as someone with type 2 diabetes, likely brought on by Zyprexa, and the weight gain and the increased blood pressure that goes with thatIve put some odds on things that can easily kill this 38 year old guy!
Okay, enough of my rantI tried to be civil.I hope I was. No disrespect to anyone. I am just suggesting to make choices with caution and getting as much knowledge as you can, from all angles.