Posted by oldschool305 on December 19, 2007, at 0:14:07
I would love to hear of others experiences with these meds, both negative and positive. You see, I need a mood stabilizer, I have severe mood swings but I also have severe anxiety/panic attacks. I still take 5 mg of Lexapro at night though, so that should help.
I have TONS of free samples of 5mg Abilify. I do NOT have Lamictal so I would have to pay $300 for a one month supply, money I don't have =(.
I am reading so much about akastasia with the Abilify. Has anyone NOT experienced akastasia with it? Has anyone had any success with it as a mood stabilizer. I really want to give it a try since I have it already, but I am scared. Is it going to put me in a full blown immediate panic attack from hell? =O
I start a job soon and I have no energy, I sleep all day/night. I have no energy to get out of bed and do anything. It's hard for me to get up and brush my teeth, to clean (ha, i haven't cleaned in months). So I am wondering which would work best for me.... Abilify or Lamictal?
Thanks =O