Posted by torachan on October 4, 2007, at 9:03:18
I've been dealing with anxiety problems for about fifteen years, and the majority of my treatment has involved the use of a benzo, specifically clonazepam. I've also been prescribed on various occasions with little success some of the many SSRI's which I found to exascerbate anxiety more than anything, and seemed much more toxic of a med than what benzo's have been accused of.
Recently though for many years, I did experience some success with Effexor, and it actually allowed me to reduce my intake of clonazepam to about .25 mg a day or less. The thing is, I didn't feel 'quite right' with effexor amd was concerned about the many negative reports about the med, so I discontinued use of it and have been forced to increase my daily intake of clonazepam to 1 mg a day.
I researched for med that would best suit my needs and came across Lexapro due to its many favorable reviews with respect to anxiety. My experience with the med has been disappointing for the most part, and it has implanted the belief that me and SSRI's don't mix.
So, with all your infinite wisdom, what med would you folks recommend as a sole med to combat GAD issues, mixed with some anti-social behavior and slight OCD, since my doctors constantly insist that benzos are not the preferred long term measure for these problems. Seeing as I did gain some benefit from Effexor, and upon hearing of Cymbalta's improved anxioylotic (sp?) effects, I had considered that one, and also have read somethings about Remeron which intrigued me.
Incidentally, I once described my symptoms to one psych who then mad a preliminary diagnosis of schizoid personality disorder, but then another psych said there's no way I possess a personality disorder, so perhaps me anxiety issues will not require an anti-psychotic as I presume these disorders would require the use os such medication.