Posted by bigpopper on February 25, 2007, at 10:23:19
I started my first AD about 6 months ago due to depression/anxiety that came from nowhere. I was taking luracet and steriods for minor surgery. I was also taking 12.5 mg of Ambien CR for 6-8 months every night before this anxiety/depression issue?. I started 10mg of Lexapro and the anxiety went WAY up. So, the doctor gave me xanax then Klon. The anxiety never quit. I took anywhere form .5mg to 3mg/day of X or K, depending on which on he had me on at the time.
About 2 months ago I switched to Zoloft. Started at 25mg and increased to 50mg. After a week on 50mg I felt great and no more anxiety. Then 2 weeks later the anxiety starts back and is becoming almost as bad as when I was on Lexapro. I increased my dosage to 75mg 4 days ago and anxiety seems even worse. The morning anxiety/terror has started back??!!
I never had much of problem with anxiety until I started AD's and benzos. Just as an experiment I took a Luracet. All anxiety went away. I can take an Ambien at night and I also feel great. I can take 1mg of Xanax and feel better, but everything feels worse the next few days after doing this. It seems that I long for something that will make me feel "dopey" to feel better.
Is this anxiety rebound? Why would I feel so good on zoloft then this happen? If I take the Klonopin 2-3 times a day I also feel good, but I feel like I am addicted and this is causing more problems. I just want to take an AD and feel good without all of this anxiety and urges for something to make me feel relaxed. I am sure I can use Ambien and benzo to feel better, but where do you go from there. I never needed an benzo before 6 months ago???
Just looking for some insight from people that may have gone through this before. It seems that the medicines are causing many more problems of there own.