Posted by JahL on August 23, 2006, at 1:27:14
Hello people.
Right, I'm gonna try and keep this relatively brief (but keep in mind brevity is rather alien to me); the sun is already rising here in England and I have a long day ahead of me.
Aaaaanyway. This morning I found an old batch of sublingual Buprenorphine that had been lying around for a number of years. In a fit of WTF-ed-ness, I popped a couple of 0.2mg tabs under my tongue and.....I feel pretty good. Relatively speaking.
Some questions:
1/ Does anyone have an idea of what the optimal dose *might* be for a depressed individual who is relatively opioid-naive? The literature talks of seemingly heroic doses of up to 16mg, but I imagine this would be for opioid-tolerant persons (ie poor heroin addicts). In the past I have taken Methadone and peak effects were experienced at a mere 5ml (1mg:1ml), and sustained for many years.
2/ How often should one take it? The literature describes a mean half-life of 37 hours and so I imagine (correctly??) once daily dosing would be sufficient?
3/ Are there any tolerance issues related to Buprenorphine administration?
So what effect does this drug have on me? Good question. Essentially, it's a decidedly mellow, dreamy sensation; rather subtle but also rather pleasant. I note that Bupe mimics the effects of full opioid agonists, but possesses a limited ceiling quality.
My particular 'brand' of (*pernicious*) Bipolar is characterised by, amongst other things, agitation, anger and chronic violent ideation. These feelings have largely dissipated, which can only be a good thing. I haven't had a suicidal thought in the last two hours - a record for me. The AD effect is subtle, but discernable.
The word that perhaps best captures the experience is 'serenity' (aaahh :-)
I could wax lyrical but it's getting late and I don't want to hex this experience. I don't doubt this post will pique some interest in one or two Babble-types and I promise I will return with a progress report.
Please, no opiophobic comments; obviously I do not come here to be preached at (this request is prompted by previous discussions here). Just be happy for me that as I write this, I am more relaxed than I have been for many a year. Please.
Thanks for any help proffered.
What was I saying about brevity?
G'night all,