Posted by Bonnie_CA on June 27, 2006, at 23:07:52
So I had a panic attack last night, and I called the doctor's office again about my medication. I was told to take the 20 mg of Prozac everyday and give it another week. I'm so frustrated, because I am firmly convinced that this isn't working. The nurse (whom I have to speak with as a middle man between me and the doctor) doesn't even listen to me. I was concerned and I was asking about when does a person get hooked on Xanax (because I'm trying not to be!) and she suggests that I attend a group for substance abuse. I'm so freakin' irritated by that, I want to scream. They won't listen when I tell them my medication isn't working, and they won't listen when I express my concerns about them. I feel like I'm just bounced around. I must be Charlie Brown's teacher when I talk to them or something. I'm so sick of hearing from them "Oh, give it one more week!" TODAY the nurse says that maybe I was just having withdrawal from the Effexor a couple weeks ago. I don't think so, I am quite certain of when that withdrawal ended, and I had to taper myself because those morons said it'd be okay to just quit taking it cold turkey. Why can't they admit when a drug isn't working? Why is that so hard to imagine? And why do they think I'm so stupid that I have no clue what is going on with my own body? I have been on enough medications to know when something isn't working, and I don't suspect that a miracle is going to happen in a week's time. So, I called again and asked if I could get another doctor's second opinion. Their procedure is that my request for a second opinion goes through the doctor that I am seeing currently (whom I don't trust because of all this), and that doctor chooses someone for me to see for a second opinion. I'm thinking, "great, so he can send me to someone that will agree with everything he's done so far." So fabulous that I'm being treated like a mushroom.
So, I say that January won't come fast enough because that my husband (my poor, sweet husband that is having to deal with me being improperly medicated) is going to switch our insurance back to Blue Shield so at least I can CHOOSE a psychiatrist and when that person isn't doing a good job, go to a completely different office, if the need be. I am sick and tired of calling Kaiser and asking for an appointment, and only getting half witted help from the medication nurse, so it would be a welcome change to actually be able to SEE the doctor when I think I need to.
The floaty feeling in my head has evolved to straight up lightheadedness and dizziness, which are the symptoms of my anxiety that I was being treated for in the first place. But no, give it one more week, it might miraculously start working. Pssshh. I just about may as well not be taking anything at all if I'm going to feel like this. I'll keep taking it, since I'm certain it could actually be worse, but I wish I didn't feel so trapped by my HMO.