Posted by honeybee on May 12, 2006, at 13:13:40
This may not be the appropriate place for this question, but since so many people frequent this board, in particular, and because it has something to do with meds, I thought I'd post here.
Last December I entered the worst depression of my life, with lots of concomitant physical symptomology, aside from a brainfreeze, difficulty concentrating and with memory. Of course, this made me think that it was physical, instead of "just" depression, because I had only, apparently, been moderately depressed before.
One of the things that I noticed was extreme psychomotor agitation. I was having trouble, at times, sitting still, and developed muscle twitches reminiscent of the kind that you have when you're about to fall asleep. In fact, that's when I would most notice them, aside from some full body jerks that would come out of the blue, or mixed in with the various twitching. That doesn't reside, say, in a particular part of my body, like my legs. The only part of me that seems to be spared is my front torso.
I saw a neurologist about, not the twitching, but a numbness I also developed at the time. I mentioned the twitching. And, though I don't recall word for word what he said, he seemed to think that my case didn't seem to need an MRI, since they tested for lyme (twice; I come up negative) and he did an exam. He said, My sense is that you don't have MS (the tingling is what he was addressing), and that this is all probably the depression talking.
Fine. Maybe it is. And maybe I'm too much of a wuss to challenge doctors.
Anyway, the numbness has finally gone away. Huzzah! After five months. (Knock wood.) The twitching *went away with SAM-e* (I was up to 800 mg. at one point) but returned when I went off to go onto lexapro. It's not *so* bad, but it's disturbing, and I'm anxious to understand if it's *just* a function of the depression or something else. I've had so many tests and so much bloodwork in the past five months that I feel like I should wait so as to not pester my doctor. (Seriously, I'm at her office *way* too often.) My bloodwork always turns up fine--thyroid, progesterone, LH, FSH, I "passed" the dexa. suppr. test, my liver results are marvey--but it's unsettling to have so many complaints, so many moving parts, and to simply be returned to the "it's just depression." The twitching didn't fully go away on Cymbalta, nor the Lexapro I went on last week (though it didn't get much of a change). A problem with dopamine, anyone?
So, at the end of it, does it sound like "the depression" to everyone else?
Even if no one has a chance to respond, it's nice to just have the frustration and confusion out there. My pdoc just said, Did you talk to a neurologist? When I told him what he said, we ended up getting sidetracked and not addressing it again, though he did hmmm, and say "very interesting" when I told him that the twitching went away on SAM-e.
Thanks for listening everyone.