Posted by ed_uk on May 5, 2006, at 14:06:46
In reply to Re: MAOIs, posted by yxibow on May 4, 2006, at 20:18:27
>Is there a study?
I think it's pretty obvious than most people do not suffer from severe sinusitis on a regular basis.
>No, its not a euphemism, its exactly what it is according to my doctor who has I think two decades more experience than myself as an MD.
There's nothing controlled about delivering an electric shock to the head. Sorry, anyone who thinks otherwise is just deluding themself. ECT is a very crude procedure, even with EEG monitoring etc. Unsurprisingly, psychiatrists who have been involved will have convinced themselves that it is safe - for their own peace of mind if nothing else.
>I wouldnt go there any more than I would an MAOI.
Neither MAOIs nor ECT are established treatments for OCD or somatoform I wouldn't really blame you.
>So why post it, I was lost ?
I posted it because it gave information RE the voltage and current used in ECT - which is enough to make my eyes water.
>Mm... ask the millions of Americans who use it daily.
I work in a pharmacy, I am well aware that many people are happy to buy what are effectively placebos (eg. expectorant cough medicines, Sudafed PE) on a regular basis. It is not, therefore, surprising that people should be happy to buy dextromethorphan. It is very easy to convince people that a medication is effective, even when it is not. The recommendation of a friend, the pharmacist or an advertisement.........
>Hmm.. I won't go there because that's character assasination.
I find your remark offensive. Codeine is effective in making me feel better. I find that it causes very mild side effects, which is more than can be said for the drugs you take. A lot of people take meds to feel better. A lot of people enjoy a glass of wine on an evening. I guess you've been brainwashed by the 'war on drugs' etc, which is particularly interesting considering that amount of diazepam you take.