Posted by willyee on December 2, 2005, at 13:11:06
Ok heres my situation......yesterday i come across a good combo,all day i feel social,outgoing,"normal"I go to eat with my friend,i even give my number to a girl.
I end up heading to bed pretty late,but did feel tired.So stupid me never leaving good enough alone,decides to assure a nights sleep with seraquel,well BOOMB im up like a light.
Now next day im still up,no sleep,ruined everything,took tons of stuff trying to sleep,klonopin,l theanine etc,i lay down and bounce up,my mind is on a ON switch,and it seems sedatives are only agigtating it worse.
I have a job to be out tonight and im scared to do it i mean i havent slept,im actualy scared now.I threw every sedative at it,and all i think they did was make me high which i feel i am now.
I dont know id i should continue to try and lay down,but i mean i feel no sleep there at all,of try to battle it and wake up,i just dont know.
I cant believe klonopin,nuerotion,l theanine nothing worked.Its like the seraquel screwed me up bad,what happened here,and what can i do,please