Posted by catch_hari on June 26, 2004, at 15:11:39
i have been suffering from eplipsy for the last 12 yrs.
i had been taking tegretol(carbazepin) for 8 yrs and had been suffering from withdrawal symptoms(seziures and fainting)whenever i stopped taking it.i only have nocturnal seziures.
now i am on oxetol(oxcarbazepin)and it was going ok for the last 3 yrs till a couple of days ago when i had a seziure even when i was taking the medication .. i have now been advised to take 10gm of clobazam (frisium) along with the 1200 gm of oxetol everyday. i am all scared and confused. i am 22, and feel like a freak... please help me sombody who knows about these drugs..