Posted by LynneDa on January 29, 2004, at 10:18:42
In reply to Re: dosages? -- Lynne, posted by BobYuma on January 28, 2004, at 19:51:10
Bob - Thank you for all your thoughts & stats! It is all very interesting. Has life become harder in this day and age or have our expectations just risen over the last half-century or so, only to be dashed by the normal realities of life? Without manual labor to wear us out every day, do we have too much time to ponder our insides? Or are there too many artifical chemicals in our bodies screwing up our brains? Lots of possibilities! :-)
I know I've been "given" depression and my current hardships for a reason. Usually in my life I've been lucky enough to be able to determine the lesson of a situation and see the joy in overcoming adversity to embrace the lesson. Now, I'm struggling a bit with the why's and wherefore's. I know part of my lesson right now is patience - that I can't control or hurry the process for whatever reason.
I am convinced that those of us souls who choose life on Earth are the brave ones! I am sure it is much easier to just hang around in the Spirit world (ha, ha!). Being on medication has allowed me to figure myself out a little better. Don't know that I have all the answers yet, but I feel equipped to confront myself now - something I haven't been able to do over the past few years. I do really trust that everything happens for a reason and that is a comfort.
Thanks again for your thoughts, I appreciate your feedback! Peace in the form of self-awareness is a gift I wish for everyone!
~ Lynne