Posted by Mercedes on January 15, 2004, at 18:57:33
In reply to Re: This is scarier than I thought, posted by Tammi on January 15, 2004, at 12:09:50
My Pdoc quit on me Jan 7, 2004! I called that day to tell him about yet another one of these 'mysterious attacks' I was having and I get a "Dear Mary" letter dated that same day. Just to clarify, these 'mysterious attacks' are not the same as Effexor withdrawal brain zaps.
Yea, after seeing this Pdoc for over a year, I get a 'Letter of Discharge'. He could no longer meet my pharmacological needs, is what it said. I wanted to kill myself, goodby cruel world, saayonata (sp?), adios....bye bye.
Fortunatly, my brother took me to see another Pdoc Jan 10th, and this new pdoc took me off Lexapro and put me on Lamictal and another sample of something, I don't remember. Anyway I've had 4 of these mysterious attacks in 8 days. My vision goes, get severe double vision that sticks for a few minutes, I see everything dble, one up one down, and a weird brain tightness behind my left eye. My neuro won't see me till the 27th, cld my primary and I can see her this Monday, told them I need an MRI NOW. I'm afraid I won't make it. Funny how sometimes you want to die, then sometimes you're afraid of dying, well, not really funny.
I'm off Effexor since Nov; had the horrific withdrawals, put on Paxil to help with the withdrawals, was on Topamax, and ended up at dr's office with chest pains. So add nitro to my rx list. BP meds, etc.
I was on Depakote a few years back, put me to sleep, at my desk, in the patio during lunch, had no energy, and don't remember what else.
After all these med's, or maybe these undiagnosed brain attacks, my memory is ? I don't know where I left it, my concentration/comprehension is gone and I just don't know what else to do, who to trust. While on effexor, I also got blurred vision expecially after using the computer (doing research on my illness for goodness sakes!) and had to have my glasses changed six times in 14 months. And I still get the blurred vision. Well, I best get off the computer.
Just venting......sigh