Posted by maryhelen on August 5, 2003, at 22:02:54
In reply to PLEASE: Need suppport - going through a set-back, posted by jerrympls on August 5, 2003, at 2:31:59
How long have you been on Nardil and at what dose are you on now?
Meds are not an answer to everything we have to deal with, but when they work they sure do help.
I do not think this job is worth alienating yourself from family and friends. It sounds like soon you will not be able to work anyway. In the meantime, if things are so difficult for you, energy or not, you will have to look for another job. I certainly do know the feeling of isolating when we are feeling so bad. Check with your doctor about your meds. It may be that your supervisor is not responsible for everything you are feeling.
Have you spoken to her about how you are feeling? The bottled up resentment, stress and anger takes an enormous amount of energy and zaps us, affecting our daily lives. Honesty, eye contact, no arguing, but just letting your supervisor know how you are feeling may lift a load off your shoulders, even if nothing changes. Use "I feel statements" rather than 'you make me feel like'..... No one can 'make' you feel a certain way. Does she have a supervisor? How do other employees feel?
I just went through a similar situation with my boss. It consumed me. It seemed that I was the only one that thought it was such a big deal. Unless you are going through it, it is easy for others to say 'let it go'. I couldn't. I had to take a step back and handle it the way that I felt best. I had a conversation with her. How I was able to keep my composure is beyond me, but I could not allow this person to take control of my life. I have worked too hard, too long, been so lonely in my illness and I am returning to work after a 2 1/2 year abscense, which is hard enough. I don't know if I will ever learn to relax, know things have a way of working out, instead of thinking my world is coming to and end. By the way, after everything that happened, she left.
I know it is easy for me to say but you have to take back your power. Do not give it away to someone else. For all you know, your supervisor may not even know how badly she is affecting you. I really do think that you should speak to her.
I do support you. I do encourage you. I know what it feels like to need a hug and I can relate to what you are going through.
Please take care of yourself, check your meds with your doctor, and know that this is a set-back and you can fight your way out of it, as I am sure you have done many times before.