Posted by utopizen on June 30, 2003, at 14:53:58
Xyrem (6-9mg/night, taken in a divided dose twice/night)
I've never tried any of these, but this looks promising, any of them. Anyone's thoughts on these, especially Xyrem? Xyrem is the ONLY medicine with clinically established efficacy at deepening stage three and four sleep, to my knowledge. Certainly, nothing is better.
It also secretes more growth hormone during these two restorative stages of sleep, an important aspect to physical and mental health. It's suspected that Xyrem's secretion of GH during sleep is more effective than GH injections taken during the day, but this suspect to Internet hooplah. But a recent study (released today) found GH injections helped obese patients lose weight. So let's look at the obvious coorelations, people-- GH is healthy, and Xyrem secretes more of it during sleep. Without it, aging is fastened, which is why sleep deprivation hastens aging (GH is naturally released during sleep, just at a higher rate while on Xyrem).
Straterra's interesting.
Provigil's interesting to me as well, b/c I'm tired. I saw a doctor the other day, mentioned "Pro-vig-il" and he tried to correct me "oh, you mean "pro-vi-gil". I knew I wasn't wrong, because that would defeat the purpose of its name, to "promote vigilance." I called the company, it is called "pro-vig-il."
I've heard people take it claim it helps their stim meds. I take Desoxyn right now, and it's awful, it's causing me to crash and be tired and depressed just a couple of hours after taking it (it didn't use to a few months ago, all stims do this if I don't switch to a different one within a few months).
Unfortunately, my GP here wouldn't prescribe me Provigil here while I'm out of state, but said he'd give me referrals to psychiatrists he knew of. I hope he does it soon, because the p-doc I've been trying to deal with over the phone hasn't returned messages for me for a week and 1/2. He'll just mail me scripts now and then for Desoxyn, and gave me a 2-refill of Klonopin (1mg 3x/day, which gives other docs a harsher look than the fact that I'm on Desoxyn!)
Oh, and K doesn't cause withdrawls, I've been on it since March and have skipped a few days now and then, not noticed a thing. I think people with social anxiety disorder who take it differ in withdrawl than those who take it for generalized.