Posted by gingersnap on May 30, 2003, at 23:45:51
Hi all,
I'm new to the group. I guess I have a few questions but it'll require a bit of an intro first:
I am a 35 yr old healthy female person. I don't consider myself depressed as I eat well, sleep well, work out 5 days a week, have a good job that I'm productive at, etc. Most of the time I function just findeand communicate well w/ others.
I've always 'worn my emotions on my sleeve' - people know when I'm mad and when I'm happy. I do have 3 'symptoms' that I've had all my life that seem to be getting worse as I get older -possibly due to more stressful work situations:
1. I believe I am overly empathetic, if there is such a thing. I can get tears by just e.g. watching a commercials
2. I tend to obsess (not overly) about confrontations... "I should have said this...", w"hat will I do if they say that...", etc.
3. Certain things will trigger crying episodes - this is my biggest problem as it can/has interfere w/ my job and I can't being locking myself in my office and crying all day. For example - in Dec, a co-worker, who had to much to drink at a party, ended up being rude, mean and insulting my intelligence. That triggered a 4+ day crying jag that finally made me see a Dr.
So in Dec. I started on Zoloft - had the typical sexual side effects. Tried Remeron once and Wellbutrin once but one kept me awake for days and the other put me to sleep for days . I told the Dr. that I could deal w/ the Zoloft side effect and wanted to stick w/ that (Gingko helps!).
After 4 months of being on Zoloft and talking w/ a EAP councelor, I told the Dr that I thought that the zoloft was only working about 30% as I had 3 'triggers' in that time that sent me into crying jags (someone was mean to me, the death of child that I didn't know, a friend that was going through emotional hell). These crying jags are completely uncontrollable - I'd open my mouth and start bawling. If feels like an emotional monster inside of me that I have no control over. In a sense if feels like a chemical reaction (like when you get angry) and over time (hours or days) is dissapates and then I feel normal again. But until it subsides - I am constantly on the verge or am crying.
So the Dr. weaned me off zoloft (50mg/day) and I am ramping up on Buspar (will be 15mg morning and 15mg at night). Dr. also gave me a rx for Xanax only to be used next time something triggers a crying jag (haven't had to take it yet).
The funny thing is that I didn't realize how well the Zoloft was working on #1 (e.g. tears while watching commercials) and #2 (obsession of conversations etc) until I was off the Zoloft and these symptoms came back.
So I've been on the Buspar 3 weeks and don't feel any difference - of course I always feel OK until something triggers a crying jag.
So I guess my qtns are:
1 - since the zoloft actually seem to work on 2 of my symptoms - would upping the dose help?2- What is the max dose of zoloft you can take?
3 - If the buspar ends ups helping w/ the crying jags, can I take buspar and zoloft together?
4 - do any of you have these uncontrollable crying jags? I feel these are due to a true physical response that I can not control. I've searched the internet and haven't found anyone w/ a similiar problem.
Thanks for 'listening'