Posted by jannbeau on October 21, 2002, at 11:06:06
In reply to Re: Can't Think, Brain Dumb, Inspiration Won't Come, posted by sandylou on October 20, 2002, at 13:53:47
> SandyLou-- your experience is exactly what one might expect with abrupt discontinuation of Effexor or other AD with a short biological half-life, from what I have read. If anything comes across this message board with clarity and regularity, it is that one should taper off Effexor. It took me, personally, about four or five weeks to get off completely and I experienced no intolerable side effects. That does not mean that I didn't experience any unpleasantness. I had brain zaps, some slight nausea with each step-down, some dizziness, some lack of control especially of angry feelings (did some acting-out, but not physical--said a few things to my husband that might better have been left unsaid, yelled some, felt really angry, but not for long). Nothing earth-shaking, however. Do try a taper regimen, after checking with your doctor.
I've been taking Effexor XR for a year now. I recently had the bright idea to ask my doc to switch me the Wellbutrin because I heard it would speed up your metabolism. Well, I've has the worst weekend of my life. The withdrawals are horrifying! I've experienced mania, severe agitation with everything, shocking sensations, and have cried for 3 days. I just now broke down and took an Effexor. Screw the Wellbutrin. Doc gave me a months supply of it to see how it does because the insurance company requires prior authoriztion or something. I know I can't go on feeling like this. I've been alone with my 2 year old daughter for 3 days and it has been awful for her to watch me have a mental breakdown. I do want to get off of medication all together. I'm so frightened of how my life will be without it.