Posted by Carlos on March 20, 2002, at 19:47:03
In reply to Re: Dexedrine often causes anxiety- watch for abuse, posted by geno on March 20, 2002, at 17:50:08
I started Dexedrine today. I took 5mgs spread apart within 4 hours, it works pretty good for socialability. I'm also on klonopin, which just KNOCKS ME OUT. I've only use it once though. I took 1mg generic.
> 3 beers, Do you know the pharmocolgy of alcohol. I believe it stimulates dopamine, seratonin, and gaba. GHB acts similar, but BLOCKS dopamine, releases oxytocin, which is suppose to be a social stimulator, and increases gaba ghb receptors. I suspect all 3 cause the dishinibitions, euphoria, happiness, calmness etc. 3 scientists and doctors wrote a book on ghb called the natural mood enhancer. They compared alcohol vs ghb.
> alochol is metablolized by acetaldehyde, a central nervous system irratant and very toxic, ghb is metablozied by succinic acid, an energy meetabolite for the cells of the body. THus toxic effect occurrs from alchol not ghb. They state both ghb and alcohol induces feeling of relaxation and physical and psychologica well being and lowers inhibition. although alcohol increases irritability, aggressiveness and violent behaviors.ghb creates one tobe happy passiveand relaxed.
> Yes im prone to anxiety, esp a cup of coffee. I take desipramine, which doesnt cause much anxiety for me, though im on remeron klonopin. Paxil is just too sedatiing. im calm but not social.
> Im gonna give zoloft a try, klonopin and try dexadrine S if my doc will perscribe it.
> geno