Posted by JGalt on December 31, 2001, at 23:23:35
In reply to re question about methione to Sam e conversion, posted by 3 Beer Effect on December 30, 2001, at 23:47:18
> J Galt, Is l-tyrosine different than n-acetyl-tyrosine? If so, who makes n-acetyl-tyrosine?
Only place I know of is . They also carry DL-phenylaline. No I am not affiliated with them.
> >One time when I first bought GABA I ate 9 grams to see if I could get an effect similar to the drug GHB that everyone seems to love so much (i've never tried it since I don't know how to make it)
It is next to impossible to make or buy ghb in the US these days. Anything that can be easily converted into ghb has been scheduled class 1(made highly illegal). I've talked to quite a few people who have used GABA, most of them had given up trying to use it as an antianxiety, but it did seem to have some potential as a sleep inducer at doses around 3.5-5grams I believe.
> Anyways, about the aminos dl-phenylalanine & l-tyrosine--- If dopamine > >norepinephrine > >epinephrine then would I achieve the same net effect by just taking 2 bronkaid asthma tablets in the morning (50 mg ephedrine sulfate (oral epinephrine)?
Ephedrine is by far not epinephrine. While it is true that eventually it causes the release of additional epinephrine (in addition to a few other things), it is not itself. Also, dopamine and norepinephrine are much more commonly implicated in depression than epinephrine. You'd be missing out on the beneficial effects of these other neurotransmitters. Not only that, you'd be counteracting most of the antianxiety benefits of the benzo's you're taking. While I use ephedrine myself on a daily basis, if I had significant problems with anxiety I would not be using the ephedrine. The other biggie problem with ephedrine is that you will develop quite a strong tolerance to it within a week. After that, it will be of only mild benefit in stimulation. I still use it because of frequent congestion and because I've noticed that even after I've been off of it for a long time, my energy levels are still lower than they were while on ephedrine. Finally, please note that ephedrine has a short half life, only around 6 hours. That means twice a day dosing. It works best when you haven't had any sugars for a while and on a relatively empty stomach.
> >I am just sick of psychiatric medications that don't work & make me 'dumb as a brick"
I will certainly agree with you on that one.
> >am trying to return the neurotransmitters in my brain back to my pre-depression normal person levels.< <
The problem with amino's is that you will likely develop a tolerance to them too with time. After taking dl-phenylaline and/or NA-tyrosine for more than about a week or so, they will begin to loose their effect (or so they did with me). By week two I didn't even know I was taking them. I tried jacking up the dose to ridiculous levels but I never regained the very pleasant stimulation of the first few days. There are many reasons for this which I don't feel like taking the time to explain here. If you continue with amino's, please be sure to add plenty of the b-vitamins and vitamin-c to your diet, they are essential cofactors to make many of the neurotransmitters.
> One more important question-- SAM-
> E is ridiculously expensive $46 for 80 Nature's Made tablets at Costco which is the cheapest place to buy anything. I read that the precursor to SAM-E is methione. Methione is far cheaper, if I take that will it metabolize to SAM-E in my body, therefore achieving an anti-depressant effect while saving me lots of money?
> Is methione an excitatory or an inhibitory transmitter?I know very little about SAM-e. I believe it is L-methoine bonded with L-cysteine, though I could very easily be wrong on that. I have heard so many conflicting reports of SAM-e that I could never justify spending the money on it. Methoine isn't a neurotransmitter. One of its effects I believe is to lower histamine in the brain (which tends to be excitory), and it also lowers copper in the brain (which is excitory, though very easy to have too much of, which can cause anxiety and possibly poor memory). I never noticed anything from taking it, and I eventually found some information regarding possible health hazards with it that led me to stop my experimentation(sorry I'm so vague on that, this was a long time ago and I don't remember).
> Also, do you know of any aminos that would help with social phobia/anxiety? I guess all of the inhibitory aminos would be better than the excitatory for that condition??
I no longer believe in amino's as a long term solution to anything. I believe the problem is that in the course of depression or anxiety, neurotransmitter synthesis and release are compromised in some manner. Though amino's can temporarily relieve problems, after a while feedback mechanisms within the brain cause it to produce its previous levels of neurotransmitters. Your brain gets every amino acid it can possibly use whenever you eat meat or balanced protein, it would be very difficult to deplete your stores of any neurotransmitters short of not eating protein (in which case you'd die anyway after a long while). More likely than not, your brain is producing the wrong type and number of certain neurotransmitters, taking aminos will not modify that at all in the long run. Pharmaceutical options are by far best for depression and anxiety, save the amino's for occasional use when you need an extra boost for some purpose, leave the hard jobs to the drugs.