Posted by susan C on October 8, 2001, at 12:56:08
In reply to Which comes first - fatigue or depression?, posted by Cindylou on October 7, 2001, at 15:09:57
AHHHHH, a TWO year in child of the human variety.....that says a lot right there, to me. Do you make time for you? It was very hard for me to do that, my children are my life...and when they were little I could not imagine not spending all my time with them. but now I look back and see, hmmm, it would have been good if I had taken more time for me, say the regular nap, the regular creative time, regular food and water, the demand for time for me....oh, well, who knows. Also, it is established that seizures can develop in women after, before, during pregnancy due to hormonal shifts (estrogen is proconvulsant, progesterone anticonvulsant) therefore resulting in mood bipolar 2 may be as a result of hormonal shifts, but otherwise undetectable except perhaps through observation and mood charting...
Also an a side: my husband (and I) have been sick with the flu. My Rock, My Up steady as he goes, Rock...reflected, he wondered, if he just got depressed when he got sick, or whether he just noticed he was depressed when he got comment was all men act like babies when they are sick...
For women, I don't know...I know I tried harder to help him, cause he needed it, but my 'spells' came anyway. We talked about how, unfortunately, for him, getting the flu was unpredictable, whereas, my illness is now predictable, I can, most days, almost, time it. Or, just plan on feeling off balance.
So, I would vote, Yes, I think depression can be an entirely physical thing causing effect on your emotions. And, unfortunately, this can 'pop up' with out warning and learning coping skills and self defense is part of dealing with it, along with taking meds regularly, eating well, exercising, surrounding yourself with positive people and, for me, accepting, this will be with me all of my life, and i need to cherish the good days and have patience with the bad.
mouse looking up wazoo (i do know it is nickname for Washington State University in Pullman Washington, in eastern Washington State and also a reference to a certain part of the anatomy...)
susan c
> Can depression be a completely PHSYICAL thing?
> My symptoms for years have been FATIGUE, heaviness, lethargy, feelings of "depletion", dragging myself through the day, etc. Obviously it's difficult to feel good emotionally when you feel so horrible physically. When I get emotionally down, I often think it's due to the fact that I feel so physically down.
> I've been tested out the wazoo (where did that saying come from?? And how do you spell "wazoo?") for blood sugar, thyroid, anemia, hormones, chronic fatigue, Epstien Barr, etc. etc. and it all comes out normal.
> And it seems that I feel horrible whether I'm on a med or not. The only times I've had some lift from this heaviness are the first two months on a low dose of Prozac. But after 2 months the lift is gone and I feel even worse than before.
> I've even gone the alternative med route, getting "muscle tested," then going on high protein, low sugar diets with lots of Vitamin B. No result.
> SO, that leads me back to my first question. Is it the depression (that I don't even really feel emotionally) making me so tired? Can you feel physically depressed and not emotionally depressed?
> Is this making any sense?
> Thanks for listening and responding to this blabber.
> By the way, my next med try is Lamictal. I'll start Wednesday. We'll see...
> cindy
poster:susan C