Posted by pellmell on October 8, 2001, at 10:55:15
In reply to Reduction in Celexa or Increase in Wellbutrin?, posted by Simcha on October 8, 2001, at 7:33:28
> Then whammo!!!! Last Thursday I felt a bit off-balance. This has continued through the weekend. I find myself more irritated at trivial stupid things. I feel that I am less easy going. I am cleaning the house like mad. I can't stand having clutter all of a sudden. (Not normally my behavior)
>My guess is that the increase in Wellbutrin has knocked you off-balance. Irritability and clean closets are common side-effects of that stuff...when I took it by itself this summer, I tore up our overgrown veggie garden, bought bagged manure, spread it, turned over the soil, and raked it out all in a matter of hours. I needed to be doing something. Though I love gardening, this was not my behavior, either...not AT ALL. I'm usually a lot slower-paced and easygoing. Also, I was snapping at everyone (especially if they were related to me ;)).
Now, taking 200mg instead of 300 Wellbutrin and with Effexor to balance the it, I've only felt mild irritability since I started, and that seems to be fading.
My casual suggestion: stay with the 40mg/day of Celexa for a while (I think you made the right choice) and try stepping down again after you think you've adjusted to the Wellbutrin.
I can only imagine the hell your brand of OCD and depression has put you through. I don't pray, but you'll be in my thoughts. Of course I only know you through what you've posted on this message board, but...I don't know. I care. You write well, and you reveal your personality through your words. I like that.