Posted by SalArmy4me on August 4, 2001, at 22:35:20
In reply to Okay to take Milk Thistle with Wellbutrin?, posted by adamie on August 4, 2001, at 22:09:20
Giese, Lori A. MSN, RN, ARNP-C, CGRN, Department Editor. Complementary Healthcare Practices: Milk Thistle and the Treatment of Hepatitis. Gastroenterology Nursing. 24(2):95-97, March/April 2001:
"Silymarin (milk thistle) has few contraindications and no severe adverse effects noted after centuries of use. It is advisable to start at low doses with a gradual increase to improve tolerability. If started at full strength, a few patients may notice a laxative effect, irritability, or headache. It may take up to three months to produce the full beneficial effect. Pregnancy and allergy to the daisy/composite family are the only contraindications. Silymarin may also inhibit lipid peroxidation with butyrophenomes and phenothiazines and may antagonize other herbs such as yohimbe and phentolanine (Palasciano & Portinaceass, 1994)..."Pepping, Joseph PharmD. Milk thistle: Silybum marianum. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 56(12):1195-1197, June 15, 1999:
"Drug interactions. No adverse drug interactions involving milk thistle extract have been reported. Beneficial interactions, observed in rat and mouse studies, include a decrease in hepatotoxicity from butyrophenones, phenothiazines, acetaminophen, halothane, and alcohol and decreased nephrotoxicity from cisplatin...."Efficacy:
Hatcher, Tiffani MSN, CRNP. The Proverbial Herb. American Journal of Nursing. 101(2):36-43, February 2001:
"There are some reports in the scientific literature regarding the effectiveness of herbal therapy in the treatment of a variety of clinical disorders, though few studies are conclusive. For example, the NCCAM has recently undertaken a comprehensive literature review summarizing clinical studies of milk thistle in humans. The researchers found that in four of six studies of milk thistle's use for chronic alcoholic liver disease there was significant improvement in at least one measure of liver function when compared with placebo, but the studies showed no difference between groups in other outcome measures. The NCCAM report concludes that "available evidence is not sufficient to suggest whether milk thistle may be more effective for some liver diseases than others or if effectiveness might be related to duration of therapy or chronicity and severity of liver disease..."