Posted by JennyR on May 30, 2000, at 21:09:15
In reply to Re: What do you guys think of Freud?- Scott., posted by Noa on May 30, 2000, at 12:51:09
On the Freud question -- he was definitely wrong on some things - like that vaginal and clitoral orgasms are two different things and that for a female to mature, she has to move away from the clitoral to the vaginal. Way off there.
But I am in pretty heavy duty psychodynamic therapy which has helped me tremendously. And psychodynamic therapy owes its roots to psychoanalysis. My therapist went to an analytic institute and that is why, I believe, he is able to work with me on a deep level.
The main contribution of Freud, which I believe is incredibly important, is the the realization of the unconscious mind - something we today may feel is common sense, but a novel thought then. As I have gotten to deeper and deeper levels in therapy as we painfully unravel me, it is certainly clear to me that we bury things (not just memories, but anger, pain) and yet they affect us very much until we dig them up. They dictate very basic assumptions about the world and how to be in it. We think we do things for certain reasons, or are unaware of why we act/react certain ways. Until we dig deeper, and bring our deeper conflict and fears to the surface. I used to think this was all crap, but my firsthand experience with it has changed all that.
Also, Freud's observation that dreams are "the royal road to the unconscious" and stressing dreams as important to therapy - this was very important. I have worked with dreams in therapy. I'm not talking about anything long and thin is a phallic symbol. That's a joke. I'm talking about dreams really being messages from the unconscious about my deeper feelings. It has been a very powerful thing for me. When I write down my dreams and then look at the images and what those images mean to me, and then piece it all together, there is always some statement from inside about something going on in my life. Frued was definitely on track there.