Posted by Cam W. on April 12, 2000, at 21:25:51
In reply to Re: Guns and the mentally ill: disturbing article, posted by LostBoyinNC on April 12, 2000, at 20:10:01
Driving home from work today I saw some idiot in my rearview mirror weaving back and forth between lanes; basically cutting people off in rush hour traffic. Being the curmugeon (old nosy fart) that I am, I decided to get in his way. I toddered over to his lane and cut him off as he tried to zip around a bus. Not really the brightest thing I have done in a while. This guy laid on the horn, so I slowed down. Well, someone must have peed in this guy's Corn Flakes today (probably me). He eventually pulled up beside me; I slowed - he slowed; I sped up - he sped up. He pulls along side again and makes a shooting motion with his fingers, pulls ahead of me and tries to force me over. I faked turning off onto an off-ramp and he went for it, scooting onto the off-ramp and I went merrily on my way.Well, maybe not entirely merrily. What if that had been a real gun. My being an asshole to piss off another asshole could have got me killed, karate or no (I still say the guy would have been minus a knee if he had stopped me and had no gun; which would have ended in no fun for either of us). I am kind of glad that guns are harder to get in Canada.
- Cam W.
poster:Cam W.