Posted by Laurie on September 22, 1999, at 13:58:39
Hi, I'm new here so please forgive (and correct) me if my ettiquette is lacking.
My phychiatrist told me he would like to try me on either Nardil or Parnate and told me that if I wanted to have a better involvement in my treatment that I should research them on the internet. So far what I have seen of either (indications, contra-indications, etc.) quite frankly, scare me. I am currently taking Flovent and (occasionally Ventolin) for asthma and Flonase for a chronic allergy problem which is immune to antihistamines. My problem is this; from what I have read, if I understand correctly, with my asthma and allergy meds, Parnate should not even be an option. Nardil doesn't seem to contra-indicate these meds but there is a possibility of some very scary side-effects with both. Also, less importantly though still a concern, weight gain is mentioned as a common side-effect for the Nardil. I am beginning to lose hope that I can ever be successfully treated! I have already, in the distant and near past, been through Prozac, Effexor, Serzone, Amytriptaline, and Zoloft.
Zoloft was the only one to show a marked impact of a positive nature and I developed an immunity to it only somewhat mre slowly than I have to all antihistamines and painkillers to which I've been exposed in the past.
I don't know what to tell my Dr. when I see him except, perhaps, that I fear I may be medicinally un-treatable. Is there an option out there that I don't know about or, am I, once again, over-reacting? Please, someone, help?