Posted by Paul on December 4, 1998, at 11:46:36
In reply to Celexa and Alcohol, posted by Mike on December 3, 1998, at 16:24:01
I know nothing about this drug, but I have posted a similar question about ssri's and alcohol. I'm sure it's quite complex, and it may affect the way the antidepressant works. However, with my experience with Zoloft and Prozac and alcohol (not all 3 together), I encountered no problems whatsoever; in fact, my moderate drinking in social situations was more enjoyable and cheerful. But like I said, I don't know about Celexa.
One thing I have noted is the mindlessness with which many pharmacists and doctors warn of side effects and drug interations. Of course, there are many very drug-specific complications when mixing drugs, etc., but pre-made labels such as "DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL WHILE TAKING THIS MEDICATION," when slapped on everything, give the impression that the professionals have not really given sincere and thought out DRUG-SPECIFIC warnings. I had that label on a bottle of Zoloft. After many experiences of mixing drugs with this label with alcohol and suffering no consequences, people will not take them seriously in the event that they really need to.
I think all pamphlets and warnings should be written specifically about each pharmaceutical.